S04E65: The Originals

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Roslyn's POV

It's been five weeks since Hayley and I arrived in Louisiana and so far we've found nothing on our family. I haven't fed since we got here, but feel fine. Though I've fallen in love with gumbo. In fact Hayley and I are at a bar right now enjoying a bowl each. "Third time in here this week" Jane-anne says. She's the bar-tender.

"My sister is obsessed with your gumbo, Jane-anne" Hayley tells her with a smile.

"As are you dear sister" I state.

"You know, ladies in the 9th ward say my sister, Sophie, bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish" Jane-anne tells us.

"Guess it'd be pointless to ask for the recipe then" I state and she chuckles.

"We asked around the Quarter about my family" Hayley adds.

"And?" Jane-anne asks.

"And nothing, zero, zip" I state.

"We can't find a single person who remembers them" Hayley says sadly.

"Because, Hayley, people like you both were run out of here years ago" Jane-anne tells us.

"What do you mean, people like us?" Hayley asks. Jane-Anne walks around the bar to the other side to stand beside Hayley. Setting a map on the table.

"In the bayou, they call the werewolves 'Roux-Ga-Roux'" she tells us circling a spot on the map. "You head out there, you'll find what you're looking for. Be careful. It's the last place you'd ever want to go" she states. We take the map with a smile nodding our heads before leaving the bar. Hayley drives while I navigate.

(Time skip)

"Are you sure you're reading that map right?" Hayley asks me.

"I know how to read a map" I state. "We should be close" I add. She pulls over and examines it with me. Suddenly it catches fire and I toss it out the window.

"What the..." Hayley says looking at me.

"Why don't we try again tomorrow when it's light?" I suggest. Hayley agrees sighing in defeat. She puts the car in reverse but the car starts to produce smoke and stops working.

"Are you kidding me?" she demands getting out of the car. I follow suit. I dialing a tow service.

"Hi, I'm looking for a tow service" I state as soon as someone answered the phone. Suddenly my phone produces an ear-piercing noise. I drop my phone with a grimace rubbing my ear.

"What the hell was that?" Hayley asks me.

"No idea" I tell her as the sound continues. We both cover our ears, trying to block the sound out. As shadowy figures emerge from the trees. "Witches" I groan as Hayley passes out. "Hayley!" I shout as I become light headed. I to pass out.

(Time skip 3 days)

So Hayley and I have been stuck in a cemetery filled of witches for the last 3 day. They did a number of tests on me. Turns out I'm pregnant with Klaus' child. I don't know how or why. And I don't really care at the moment. I just want to be out of this stinking cemetery. Anyway, the witches believe I'm a werewolf. I guess my pregnancy is suppressing my vampire side, which is why I've been able to not drink the last six weeks without desiccating.

Anyway Hayley and I were chilling in a tomb. When three witches appeared and escorted us somewhere else. Hayley in front of me. "Who the hell are you?" she demands.

"That'd be Elijah, Klaus' brother" I tell her as I come stand beside her. "Long time Elijah, come here often?" I ask him. He tells the witches to give us a moment. "Well first introductions, Elijah my half older sister Hayley, Hayley Klaus' older brother Elijah" I say as I sit down.

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