S04E63: O Come, All Ye Faithful

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(Lockwood Cellar) Third Persons POV

"I'm sick of taking his crap. I should rip his throat out. See if he can boss us around without a larynx" Adrian growls.

"You won't have to take it much longer" Tyler assures him.

"You and alpha keep saying that. But here we are hiding, plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen" Kim says annoyed. Hayley enters the cellar keeping her face blank. Though she is confused on who is alpha, if Tyler isn't.

"Never say never and never say I don't pull through. I found the witch that's gonna save your lives" Hayley lies. She smiles at Kim and Adrian.

"Are you serious?" Adrian asks excited. Hayley continues to smile. Tyler looks from Hayley back to Adrian.

"We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond, now Hayley and I are gonna do ours" Tyler tells them. Before leaving and he calls Roslyn.

"This had better be important Tyler" she says.

"Hayley found a witch to do the job" he states.

"Good, the pack will finally be free" she states.

"Shouldn't we tell her the truth?" he asks. "I mean the pack knows, Caroline knows and the Salvatores know" he states.

"No, no one can know Tyler" she tells him. "I'm on my way to the Lake House. Bonnie is trying to teach Jeremy not to kill Elena and I. Keep me updated" she tells him.

"Will do" he says and hangs up. Hayley frowns as she hides in the shadows. Is her half sister the alpha? Is she a hybrid too?

(Gilbert Lake House) Roslyn's POV

I arrive to see Damon and Elena already here. Along with Professor Shane. "What the hell is Professor Shadypants doing here?" Damon asks.

"My question exactly" I say as I join them.

"I invited him" Elena answers and we both give her a look.

"Okay, listen, we are ready to get started. But before we can do that, we need them in here" Shane tells Jeremy.

"This is your house now, Jer" Elena tells him.

"You'll have to invite us in" I add. Jeremy stares at us, but doesn't invite us in.

"Go ahead, Jeremy. Invite them in" Shane tells him. Jeremy continues to stare at us and hesitates for a moment longer.

"You both may come in" he tells us. Elena enters the house. She stops in front of Jeremy and looks up at him. She gently touches his arm and walks past him, setting her bags on a counter. While I enter the house as Jeremy looks at his arm where Elena had touched him.

He suddenly grabs the small wooden stake from his waistband. "Elena, look out!" I shout as he goes to stake her. Elena reacts quickly and grabs him by the wrist. Shouting his name. Elena twists Jeremy's arm around and places it behind his back. While I take the stake and she holds him in a choke-hold.

Jeremy struggles to release himself from her grip. Bonnie, Damon, and Shane all look on in surprise, although Elena clearly has him under control. "Not a good start cousin" I tell him as I through the stake into the fire.

We get Jeremy into a chair and strap him down. Jeremy has his eyes shut and appears to be in a trance. Bonnie, Elena and I sit across from him as Shane tightens the straps. "All Jeremy feels when he sees a vampire is a burning desire to kill them, even if consciously he doesn't want to. As in your case" Shane says looking at Elena and I. "It's his subconscious that's calling the shots" he states.

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