S02E27: Kill or be Killed

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Roslyn's POV

I woke up beside Caroline and go get the clothes I left in her closet. I hop in the shower first and got ready for the day. Then Care went to get ready before we go downstairs together. To see her mum out of uniform grabbing boxes. "Are you off today?" I ask her confused. I thought she never had a day off.

"The Historical Society Volunteer Picnic is today. Caroline is the one who signed me up" she explains.

"I know, I thought you'd bale" Care tells her surprised.

"No. I'm gonna spend the whole day with my daughter and her best friend" Liz declares.

"You're gonna pretend to be a mother?" Caroline asks her.

"That's a little harsh" I whisper to her.

"I'll bring my gun if it gets rough. Come on, give me one day. I've been buried in work mode, I've barely seen you" Liz tells Care.

"Well be warned, I'm in a mood" Care tells her.

"Goody for me. What was Elena doing here so late last night?" Liz asks.

"Elena wasn..." Care starts to say and I elbow her, giving her a look. "Elena was here. She just needed to talk. Her and Stefan are going through a rough patch" she explains.

"Is everything ok with you?" Liz asks her.

"I'm fine" Caroline assures her.

"It's just lately you seem different" Liz states. "You both do" she adds looking at me.

"We're not different" I assure her.

"We're fine" Care adds.

"I know you think I don't notice these things but I do. What's going on with you?" Liz asks.

"You know there's pretending to be a mother and then there's reality. Let's not push our luck, okay?" Care suggests before leaving.

"Sorry about her, she's just upset her and Matt are fighting. She'll cool down" I assure Liz. "See you at the park" I say before leaving. I find Caroline at the gazebo venting to Elena as they paint.

"So, how are things with you and Stefan? Anything?" Care asks changing the subject.

"No, not since the fight. He's been pushing me away because he thinks that Katherine might get jealous enough to hurt me. I just don't know how to change his mind" Elena explains.

"You said Katherine's dangerous, maybe he has a point" I tell her as I join the conversation.

"Yeah, I know that she's dangerous and I know that he's just trying to protect me but it feels like giving up and I just..." Elena starts to say.

"Just what?" Care and I ask her.

"I just thought we were stronger then that" she tells us. I look away trying to control the guilt. Stefan and Elena are perfect together. And I'm helping to break them up, which hurts Elena.

"I'm gonna go see what else needs doing" I tell the pair and walk away from them. I am grabbed by Liz. "Is something wrong Sheriff?" I ask her confused.

"Two Vs, I'm calling in back up" she tells me. I frown, I didn't know there were two new vampires in town. She takes out her work phone calling one of her deputies. "Look, I can't talk here. Just get Jess and meet me down the hill at the entrance. And bring a...yes we need it" she says hanging up as Caroline appears.

"What's wrong?" she asks us.

"Nothing. I just have something..." her mum starts to say.

"You mean work? You've surprised me. You last longer than 5 minutes" Care states.

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