The Next Four episodes

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Important Authors note

I really want to get to the part where Hayley comes in. So I'm going to do a summary for the next four episodes; Before Sunset, The Departed, Growing Pains and Memorial. I'm sorry if this upsets a few of you. But I really want Hayley and Roslyn to meet.

(Before Sunset) Roslyn's POV

Tyler and I were suppose to skip cleaning duty together. But he bailed when Klaus summoned him to his house to help him pack as he was leaving town. Hurrah for that. Not so great that I couldn't hang with my best friend. As I don't want to be near Klaus. I'm still planning to kill him somehow for what he did to my mother.

But I ended up at the school with Rebekah and Caroline to help them clean. I enjoyed hearing Caroline tell Tyler off for bailing. If only she knew I had planned on ditching also. Matt also didn't turn up as he was called into work. While we cleaned a vampire Alaric appeared. I bite him and Rebekah drove the white oak stake through his heart with Caroline.

We ran for it. Rebekah and I got away. But Caroline wasn't so lucky. I tried to go back to help her. But Rebekah stopped me and compelled me to go home. I did so and found the Salvatores there with Bonnie. I tell them where Alaric is and that he has Caroline.

We started to make a plan to save her when Klaus appears. He and Damon fought briefly until we discovered Elena was missing. She had gone to the school to rescue Caroline alone. We made a plan with Klaus to put Alaric into a desiccated state like Bonnie's mum did Mikael. Down side we had to stop a human heart, Jeremy volunteered to be the human. I wasn't thrilled, but we had to save Caroline and Elena.

So we put the plan in motion and went to the school. To discover Caroline free. Klaus told her to go home. She did so. We then take on Alaric and were losing. When Elena announced he was linked to her and would only die if she did. Klaus took her and my neck was snapped.

When I woke Alaric sent the Salvatores and I after Klaus to save Elena. We did so be desiccating Klaus. I was the one who placed my hand on his heart. I looked him in the eye and said "this is for my mother". Once he was desiccated we let him fall to the ground. Damon and I took Elena home. The others arrived and we had a celebratory drink to finally stopping Klaus. Tyler, Matt, Caroline and I went to the Grill to continue the party. Leaving Jeremy and Elena home alone.

(The Departed)

If I wasn't a vampire I would of been so hung over when I woke up this morning on Matt's couch. I got a call that Elena was in hospital. Matt, Tyler, Caroline and I went to get her with Jeremy. We brought her home and set her on the couch. Tyler and Caroline searched the house before leaving. I had a shower leaving Elena in the hands of Matt and Jeremy.

When I got out of the shower. I found every one on the phone to Elijah. I greeted him politely and found out he wanted Klaus' body. I was with Damon I didn't want them to have Klaus. He killed my mother and deserved to suffer. But Elena agreed to give him to them.

I got a call from Caroline. Apparently Alaric had outed her, Tyler and I to the council. We had to leave town. I was not happy. But agreed to meet her and Tyler at the Lockwood cellar. I wrote a letter each for Jeremy and Elena. I packed essentials and meet Caroline at her house. We found out Klaus was dead, Alaric staked him.

We ran to the Lockwood cellar and told Tyler. Both of us in tears. She was losing her boyfriend and I was losing my best friend. We wanted to stay with him. But he made us leave by starting to turn into a wolf. So I had to take Caroline away. I took her to her house and we cried together mourning the lose of Tyler.

(Growing Pains)

I got a call that Elena was in transition. I wanted to stay and help her. But she had the Salvatores. Besides Caroline and I were suppose to already be gone. Caroline got a call from her mother as we left the her house. "Where am I? Uh...Good question. Uh...there's just a whole lot of boring highways. Why, is everything okay?" Care asks her as I open the front door. We exit the house and she goes to lock the door. When I felt someone jab something into my neck and my world went black.

I woke up in the back of a truck with Caroline and Rebekah. All of us bound. The truck is run off the road. I break free and go help Caroline. When Tyler appeared. He told me to run, saying he'd free Caroline. I did so and left.

Not long after I got a text from Bonnie to meet her at the Lockwood cellar. I did so. I find out Klaus was in Tyler's body and wasn't really dead. He made Bonnie put him back into his body. She did so and he left. I hugged Tyler tightly with Caroline glad he was alright. They left and I stayed with Bonnie & Jeremy. Trying decide if I should leave town or not.


I decided to stay as Pastor Young blew up himself and the council. So now our secret is safe again. Today was the memorial who all who died there. Elena completed transition a few days ago. Stefan has been trying to teach her how to hunt animals. But she can't seem to keep any blood down, which is strange.

Matt, Jeremy and I were at school when we ran into April Young. Elena used to baby sit her. She had been in a boarding school since her mother died. Now she's a orphan like my cousins and I. Matt and I continued to set up for the memorial. When Elena joined us. She saw April and went to comfort her. Before she ran.

Concerned I followed her to the basement bathroom. To see her throwing up blood. "Oh my god, are you ok?" I asked her concern.

"No, I'm not" she says tearing up. "Please call Damon" she tells me. I did so asking him to bring a blood bag and a new dress for Elena. She and I cleaned up when there was a knock on the door. She told whoever it was we'd be done shortly as it wasn't Damon. He soon appeared with a dress for Elena. She got changed while I finished cleaning up the mess she had made.

We then went outside with Damon. Where he offered her the blood bag. Which she couldn't keep down. We suggested that we leave. But she refused to. So we went inside for the memorial. We found out there was another vampire hunter in town. He tried to bait us with fresh blood. But Tyler distracted him and got shoot. Damon went to search for the hunter. While Caroline and Elena healed April. And compelled her.

We went to the cemetery and had our own gathering to mourn the people we had lost. I lit a lantern for my mum, the dad I never knew, Alaric, my aunt and uncle. The others did the same for their loved ones. Though Damon left to go drink by Alaric's grave, talking to him. Afterwards we all went home and called it a night.

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