S02E30: Rose

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(House) Third Persons POV

Trevor is carrying Elena, who is waking up. They are in the house. He puts her on the couch. Her hand and her feet are tied. He removes the ropes. "What do you want?" Elena asks him weakly as Roslyn lays unconscious beside her.

"Shh" Trevor tells her.

"Please, I'm hurt" Elena tells him.

"I know. Just a taste" Trevor tells her. He's vamping and leans down to bite her wound but Rose arrives and he stops.

"Trevor, control yourself" she scolds him.

"Buzzkill" he says and goes to leave the room.

"Who's the other girl?" Rose demands.

"The doppelgängers vampire protector" Trevor answers and leaves the room. Rose looks at Elena examining her.

"Oh my god, you look just like her" Rose states.

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you..." Elena tries to say.

"Be quiet" Rose says interrupting her.

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert and that's my cousin Roslyn Sommers; you don't have to do this" Elena tells her.

"I know who you are, I said be quiet" Rose snaps.

"What do you want?" Elena asks her. Rose slaps Elena hard. Elena falls on the couch, unconscious beside Roslyn.

"I said, be quiet" Rose states and leaves the room.

Roslyn's POV

I wake up beside Elena and shake her awake listening for others. I hear a man and woman talking upstairs about Elena & I. About some guy called Elijah. Elena wakes up and I shush her. Then lead her upstairs silently. To where she can now hear the conversation. "So that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait" the girl tells Trevor.

"Look, it's not too late. We can leave them here, the vampire will take the doppelganger home. We don't have to go through with this" Trevor tells her.

"I'm sick of running!" the girl exclaims.

"Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying" Trevor retorts.

"Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free" the girl tells him. Elena accidentally makes one of the boards squeak and I give her a look. The girl looks at us and I stand in front of Elena. "You two! There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?" she tells us.

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asks from behind me.

"He's your worst nightmare" the girl states.

"He's not touching her" I snarl.

"Roslyn, I want to ask her questions" Elena tells me.

"Ok, but stay beside me" I tell her. We go to where the girl had gone. To see her putting boards on the windows. I smirk, they can't go in the sun and I can.

"Why am I here?" Elena asks the girl.

"You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them" the girl says bored.

"Why won't you?" Elena asks her.

"That's another one" she states.

"You got me, okay? It's not like I can go anywhere, even with Roslyn's help" Elene tells her.

"The least you can do is tell us what you want with Elena" I tell her.

"I personally want nothing; I'm just a delivery service" the girl states.

Roslyn Sommers: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now