S04E64: Bring It On

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Roslyn's POV

It's been a hundred and thirteen days since I left Mystic Falls with Hayley. I haven't really kept in touch with anyone from home. Which I feel guilty about. I wonder if they've found the cure yet. Anyway my older sister was stupid enough to make a deal with Katherine. Who sent someone to kill us.

"I still can't believe you were stupid enough to make a deal with Katherine" I grumble as we reach a truck stop.

"You're trusting Klaus" she retorts.

"Only because I am to proud to ask my family and friends for help after disappearing on them" I state. "You hungry?" I ask her.

"A little" she says and he stomach rumbles. "Ok, maybe more then a little" she mutters. "There's a store over there" she says pointing to it. We start to head there. Cautiously looking around as we walk between two eighteen wheelers.

Suddenly we hear something hitting metal. "Stay close" I tell her as we look around. We notice a man and I stand in front of my sister. He vamp runs over to us, grabs us by our throats, and slams us against the side of one of the trucks.

I try to bite him. As Hayley begins to choke and gasp for air. The vamp throws her to the ground and looks down at her, his lip curled up into a snarl. I kick him in the groin and he lets me go. I go to bite him, but Klaus beats me to the punch. Grabbing the vampire by his jacket, and spins him around to face him.

"Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat two ladies" he tells him. Klaus bites down on the vamp's neck. The vampire screams as Klaus continues to bite down on him. Klaus stops feasting on the vamp and throws him against one of the trucks. The vamp falls to the ground.

As I helped Hayley to her feet. "Are you ok?" I ask her concerned and she nods her head. "You came" I say as we face Klaus.

"Well, you did say it was urgent little wolf" he states. The vamp that Klaus attacked is writhing on the ground, gripping his neck wound and moaning. Hayley looks over at the vamp lying on the ground. He suddenly gets up and vamp runs away. "Oh, don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it through tomorrow night" Klaus tells her.

"What if there are more?" she asks.

"You both were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you both to find the cure and now you're nothing but a loose end. You both will be lucky if she lets you live" he states.

"Correction, my sister was the one foolish enough to make a deal with Katherine" I tell him. "I made a deal with you, so that you'd protect us" I state.

"Which you told Rosie you'd do" Hayley adds.

"And I will" he tells us. "Just as soon as you tell me everything you know about Katerina" he tells Hayley.

"Can we at least go somewhere more private to talk?" I ask him. "Maybe get my sister some food" I add. He nods his head and lead us to a car. He drove us to his mansion. Where Hayley and I were shown to a room to clean up. I showered first and changed.

While Hayley was in the shower I heard Damon downstairs and raced down. "Well if it isn't my favourite Salvatore" I say.

"Roslyn, surprised to see you'd make a deal with Klaus" he says.

"My sister needed protection, I figured it was the least he could do after killing my mother" I state. "Now if you came to ask Hayley about Katherine, you're out of luck" I tell him. "She's off limits" I say smirking as I made myself a drink.

"That she is" Klaus agrees. He walks past Damon and sits down on the sofa. "Although, I did have a run in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is" he states. Damon turns around and looks at him. "Too bad for you, I bit halfway through his bloody neck. He probably won't have much time for chit-chat" he adds.

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