S02E40: Last Dance

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Roslyn's POV

I'm standing outside with Damon and Stefan. Bonnie is inside with Elena while she signs the papers. Becoming the owner of the boarding house. "You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" I ask the pair.

"She said she could channel enough witch's power to kill him" Damon says shrugging.

"Elijah thought that would work and he was an Original" Stefan adds.

"We just need to find him" Damon states. "Could she do one of those witch tracking spells?" he asks us.

"Nope. Not without something that belongs to Klaus. Believe me, I already asked" Stefan answers.

"Do you think he killed Katherine?" I ask.

"Probably" they answer.

"Good riddance" I say smiling and Damon chuckles. Just then Elena opens the door thanking the lawyer and he leaves. We go to enter and are stopped by an invisible barrier.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot" Elena says with a small laugh. "Stefan, Roslyn would you like to come into my house?" she asks.

"I would love to, thank you" we say entering the house. She looks at Damon, who's still stuck outside.

"What are we, twelve?" Damon asks her.

"One of us is" she tells him. "If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?" she asks.

"No" he answers.

"Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?" Elena asks him.

"Yes, Elena. Sure" he says agreeing with her.

"Then please, come in" she tells him smiling. He enters the house telling Stefan to shut up and I chuckle. Bonnie walks in from another room and gives Elena her jacket.

"Ready?" I ask the pair.

"Yep, thanks Bonnie" Elena says as she puts on her jacket.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan asks us.

"To school" Elena and I answer.

"We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it" Damon retorts.

"Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that" Stefan says agreeing with Damon.

"Right. But where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner" Elena tells them.

"Your way, Elena" Damon grumbles.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him" Bonnie assures them.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that Elena can be"I tell them. "Come on" I tell the girls. We leave the house as Stefan decides to join us. We arrived at school and went to history. I sit behind Bonnie as usual.

Elena takes the poster for the 60s decade dance out of her bag and shows it to Stefan with a smile. He shakes his head in disapproval. Then, she shows it to Bonnie and I. We nod our heads and she gives Stefan a smug smile as Alaric enters the room.

"Hello, class. What are we learning today?" he asks.

"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week" Dana reminds him.

"Right, the sixties" he says looking at Elena before turning to the black board writing 'sixties' on it. "The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but...Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the...we walked on the moon. There was Watergate" he explains.

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