S04E59: The Killer

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Roslyn's POV

It's been two days since I meet Hayley and I spend the majority of my time with her & Tyler. She's just so easy to talk to, it's like we've known each other forever. But right now the hunter is still around and we're making a plan to kill him. "So, we each take a different entrance; hit them at the same time" Damon suggests.

"Sounds good to me" I tell him as Stefan finally joins us. Elena gets up and walks over to him.

"Stefan" she says happily. Honestly she's been acting weird lately. Spending more time with Damon and less with Stefan.

"Where the hell have you been?" Damon demands.

"Coming up with a plan" Stefan states after giving Elena a hug.

"We already have a plan" I tell him as I recline on the couch.

"Yeah, we have a plan. The plan is I'm gonna rip Connor's heart out and I'm going to feed it to him" Damon clarifies.

"Simple, easy to remember" I state.

"That's not a plan. We need to be careful. Connor has Jeremy and who knows how many other hostages" Stefan reminds us.

"Hence, the open heart surgery" Damon tells him.

"Damon's right. Connor's strong, but he's not going to be able to take all of us" Elena states.

"I called in the hybrids to help too" Tyler adds. Caroline walks in the room.

"My mom put squad cars blocking the streets. They're saying it's a faulty gas main. We're good to go" she states.

"Good, great. No cops, no witnesses, no reason to wait around" Damon tells us. I nod my head getting to my feet.

"All right, hold on, you're not all going" Stefan tells us. Looking at Elena, Care and I.

"He shot me like nine times. If we're killing him, I want in" Tyler states.

"Besides he has Jeremy" I add.

"So Rosie and I are going" Elena finishes.

"Listen, nobody is going anywhere until I figure out what we're walking into" Stefan tells us. I share a look with Damon. What's up with Stefan? He should be jumping at the chance to kill the guy threatening his girlfriend's family. Like he always has been.

"Until you figure it out? Is that where you've been all morning? Out buying bossy pants?" Damon demands.

"This guy is known for setting traps, right? We'd be pretty dumb to walk into one, especially if he has werewolf venom" Stefan tells us.

"Does he?" Elena asks him.

"He's had it before" he states. Elena appears to be rethinking the plan. Damon is clearly angry.

"Fine. Fine, if you want to take some time to do recon, you get one hour. But we're gonna need some extra help. So, where the hell's the Wicked Witch of the West?" Damon asks Caroline.

"She can't do magic" she reminds him.

"Really? Well, call her, tell her Jeremy's life is in danger; maybe that will bring her out of retirement" Damon tells her. He walks out of the room, hitting Stefan with his shoulder on the way out.

"Go do your recon" I tell Stefan. "Tyler, Care and I will rally the hybrids and meet you all at Alaric's old apartment" I state. He nods his head and left with Elena.

(Time skip)

Tyler and I are talking to Hayley's friend Dean. While she went to the loo. "Look, man, this guy is dangerous. He's highly trained. He's armed" Tyler tells him.

Roslyn Sommers: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now