S01E20: Blood Brothers

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Roslyn's POV

I'm relaxing at home, I've been training with Damon all week since the gala. Honestly I'm glad he's given me today off. He's been pushing me hard and has not been going easy on me. He says since I'm training to kill a vampire, he'd use his vampire abilities. But I've been learning to trust my instincts, its like my body knows how to fight. I just need to trust it. He's also been having me do weights and improve my cardio.

I am pulled from my thoughts by the home phone ringing. I answer it. "Gilbert residence, Roslyn speaking" I say.

"Hi Roslyn, I have a favor" Alaric tells me.

"You're practically dating my mum, I guess I owe you one favor. What do you want teach?" I ask him.

"Damon's number" he states.

"Just don't tell him where you got it from or he'll kill me" I tell him. He agrees and I give him Damon's number. Shortly after that Elena came home and got some clothes. John tried to talk to her but she refused and left. I then get a call from Damon saying I'm going with him and Alaric to Grove Hill to see if Isobel is there.

So I go change and grab my vervain dart. Alaric picks me up and then we go pick up Damon from the boarding house. "So where are we going?" I ask from the back seat.

"To an apartment in Grove hill, we think Isobel may be there" Damon states.

"Isobel, Elena's vampire mother?" I ask and they nod their heads. "Why am I involved?" I ask confused. Isobel means nothing to me.

"You're my apprentice, I figured this was a good training opportunity" Damon says shrugging.

"There's a gift for you in the seat pocket" Alaric adds. I open the pocket to reveal wood knuckles. I put them on thanking him. We arrive at the location. "This is the one here. The records show is was paid 3 months in advance" he tells us.

"This is where it gets tricky. I may or may not be able to get in" Damon tells us as we head for the apartment.

"Yeah, how does that work?" I ask him curious.

"You always have to be invited in?" Alaric asks also curious.

"By the owner or the person of entitlement. Short-term rentals and hotels are a bit of a gray area. You kind of gotta play it by ear" Damon explains.

"Could we not kill anyone tonight, please?" Alaric asks as we reach the door.

"You mean, you just brought us along for our company?" Damon asks as I open the door.

"It doesn't look like anyone's home" Alaric states. Damon sticks his foot in and he can enter the apartment. So he goes in first saying he's good. We split up to search the apartment.

"Uh Roslyn, Ric, we have company" Damon says. Suddenly a vampire attacks me and I stab him with my wood knuckles. He backs off and goes to attack again, but Damon throws him off me as Alaric appears beside me. "That's enough. I know you" he says looking at the man.

"Damon" the guy says in recognition.

"Your name is Henry. You were in the tomb" Damon states.

"Yes sir, what are you doing here?" Henry asks him.

"John Gilbert sent us" I lie.

"How do you know John Gilbert?" he asks us.

" Well, I've known him for years. He's a good friend. How do you know him?" Damon asks him.

"I met him right after I got out of the tomb. He's been helping me out" Henry explains.

"Helping you out how?" Alaric asks.

"Adapting. It's a whole new world...Cars, computers, match.com. There's so much to learn. He helped me get this place" Henry explains.

"So, do you live here alone or is there someone else here?" I ask him.

"That's my friend's very passive-aggressive way of asking, uh, do you know a woman named Isobel?" Damon tells him.

"Uh, no. No, I don't know an Isobel. I know John. He's my only real friend. He really showed me the ropes...how to use a microwave, separate my whites" Henry explains.

"What else do you do for him?" Alaric asks him.

"I help keep an eye on things...You know, with the others" Henry states.

"The others?" Damon and I ask.

"From the tomb. They're still pissed at the founding families for trying to burn them alive. I'm cool, but those tomb boys, they want revenge" Henry tells us.

"What does John want with them?" I ask.

"He's just keeping an eye on them, you know? Trying to make sure they stay out of trouble" he says shrugging.

"Well, that's John. Heh. He's such a do-gooder" Damon says and I roll my eyes. Suddenly Henry's phone rings.

"Heh. That's John now" Henry says looking at the phone smiling.

"Oh. Hey, let me talk to him" Damon tells him smiling. Henry agrees and gives him the phone. But Damon let it continue ringing.

"Are you going to answer that?" Henry asks him confused.

"Am I going to answer that?" Damon asks Alaric and I. We both shake our heads. Henry then goes to attack me again. But Damon grabs him and Alaric stakes him. "'Let's not not kill anyone tonight.' Your words. Just pointing that out" Damon tells him.

"Why couldn't I kill him?" I ask pouting slightly. "He kept trying to kill me" I state.

"You aren't strong enough yet" Damon tells me. We then search the apartment and find nothing. But Damon finds beer and we all sit down drinking. They then started to talk about Isobel until Alaric got fed up with Damon. So he drives us all home. He drops me off home first before driving Damon to the boarding house. Where Elena had been baby sitting Stefan.


Picture above of Roslyn and on the external link of Henry.

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