S02E43: The Sun Also Rises

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Roslyn's POV

I can't find mum anywhere. "Stefan, I can't find my mum. I told her to stay inside" I tell him confused. It's nearly time for the sacrifice and we have to meet Elijah at the old witch house.

"She probably went home, but we have to go meet Elijah now. We'll look for her after Klaus is dead" Stefan tells me. I agree reluctantly, I really wanted to know if my mum is safe. But they need me for the plan.

"Ok, but straight after" I tell him. We go to the witch house to see Elijah and Alaric already outside. "Hey Ric, have you heard from my mum?" I ask him. While Stefan takes a call from his brother.

"Not since I left the boarding house, why?" he asks me confused.

"She wasn't there when I went to check on her" I tell him.

"Strange, but I'm sure she's fine" he assures me. "I'll help you look for her after we kill Klaus" he tells me. I smile and we look at Elijah. "When do we attack?" Alaric asks him.

"Elena's death will activate his dormant werewolf side. He'll be vulnerable during the transformation. That's when Bonnie comes in" Elijah explains.

"And you're sure Bonnie will survive this?" I ask him.

"If she can deliver him to the brink of death, I'll finish the job myself" Elijah tells us.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Alaric asks Stefan. I look to see he's worried look.

"Stefan, what's up?" I ask him concerned.

"Klaus has Jenna, he's planning on using her as the vampire in the sacrifice" he states.

"No! My mother does not die tonight!" I snap trying to hold back tears. Bonnie appears and hugs me as Alaric goes to tell Jeremy. "He has my mum" I cry burying my head into her shoulder.

"Why would he take Jenna?" Bonnie asks Elijah.

"A punishment for meddling" he states.

"Klaus was going to use Tyler and Caroline. But Damon rescued them" Stefan explains.

"Why not me? I'm already a vampire" I sniff as I wipe my tears away. "Stefan if my mother dies, so does Damon!" I snap glaring at him.

"Then we need to go. Now. Before Jenna's been sacrificed. I can kill Klaus myself" Bonnie states.

"Bonnie...If you use that much power, you'll be dead. We've already been through this. It's not an option" Stefan tells her.

"This is my mother we're talking about Stefan and my cousin" I remind him.

"We can't let Jenna die" Bonnie states.

"Well, Stefan would agree with you" Elijah tells us.

"We're going to offer another vampire. One that he'll want more. Me" Stefan tells us. Bonnie goes to do a locator spell as John appears with Damon. She finds the location and tells Elijah who tells Stefan. Who then goes on ahead, I pray he saves my mother. She's the only parent I have, I can't lose her and Elena.

When Damon exists the house I slam him into a tree snarling. "If my mother dies, it's your fault!" I snap.

"I get that Roslyn" he grumbles.

"Then you understand if my mother dies tonight, you die" I tell him growling. Just then Bonnie calls us inside about a plan to save Elena. Without her turning into a vampire.

"Johnathan journaled the story of a mother who called on Emily's services. The woman's baby was sick; dying. Emily cast a spell that would bind the woman's life force with her child" John explains.

"Skip to the save Elena part" I tell him.

"Well, the child died, but the mother's life force flowed through her, restoring her to life"  John finishes.

"We already know Elena's going to come back to life. But she'll be a vampire" Jeremy reminds him.

"Not if her soul remains intact" John states.

"Her soul, really? You're going to put your faith in some act of god mumbo jumbo?" Damon asks him.

"I refuse to let Elena become the thing I've spent my life protecting her against. And you can call that God or mystical energy, whatever you want, but yes...I'm putting my faith in it" John tells us. Before going with Bonnie so that she can do the spell while Jeremy reads the Gilbert journal.

I go outside and look up at the moon. "It's time" Elijah states as the others appear inside the house.

"All right. I got the weapons in the car" Alaric states as he heads towards us with the others.

"Bonnie's the only weapon we need" Elijah tells him. Damon and Bonnie come out of the house. But an invisible force stops Alaric from exiting it.

"Bonnie! What is this?" he demands as she looks at him.

"I can't put anyone else at risk" she tells him.

"I can't stay here with Jenna out there!" he shouts.

"I'm sorry" Bonnie says.

"You can't do this! Damon?" Alaric asks.

"Sorry, buddy. She's right" he tells Alaric. We leave with Alaric shouting behind us. We arrive at Steven's quarry and Bonnie starts to chant. I go over to Klaus' witch and kill her. Suddenly I feel incredible pain as one of my bones break. But I force it down when I see my mother's dead body.

"No mum!" I shout crying as I kneel beside her. Bonnie continues to chant her spell. Klaus' body contorts into painful shapes as he screams. Meanwhile, Damon carries Elena's body towards Stefan and lays her down next to him. Stefan gently grabs her arm and I scream in pain as a few ribs break. What's happening to me? I look up to see Elijah standing over Klaus and snarl.

He did this, he killed my mother. He'll pay. "Elijah" Klaus says weakly.

"Hello, brother" Elijah says as Bonnie stops chanting. Stefan has gotten up and walks up behind Bonnie. Elijah punches his arm into Klaus' chest, grabbing a hold of his heart. "In the name of our family, Niklaus" he says as he starts to twist Klaus' heart.

"I didn't bury them at sea!" Klaus shouts and Elijah freezes. I snarl, he had better kill him or I will. I look up at the moon as I feel my eyes change. "Their bodies are safe. If you kill me, you'll never find them" he tells him.

"Elijah! Don't listen to him" Stefan tells him.

"Elijah. I can take you to them. I give you my word...brother" Klaus tells him.

"I'm sorry" Elijah says grabbing Klaus. He takes off and something inside burst free. I take after them faster then I've ever ran before growling. Just outside Mystic Falls Elijah puts Klaus down allowing him to complete his transformation. He turns into a grey wolf and I snarl.

He looks eyes with me growling. We begin to circle each other. We then lunge at each other snapping at the other's neck. He pushes me away and I growl glaring at him. He killed my cousin and my mother. I won't lose. I charge him and we start to fight.

Until he grabs me by the neck with his teeth pinning me to the ground snarling. I whimper in fear tucking my tail between my legs. Wait! Tail? I look at what I thought was my hand and see a wolf paw. I'm a wolf, but how? OMG, that witch was the first person I ever killed. I must have the wolf gene from my dead, I'm a hybrid now.

Klaus releases me slowly and I stay down submitting. Waiting for him to kill me. But he doesn't he makes me stand up and follow him. My wolf had submitted to him and now sees him as alpha. She'll follow him anywhere and there's nothing I can do about it in this form. She's in control now.


Picture above of Jenna staked by Klaus and on the external link of Elijah standing over Klaus.

Roslyn Sommers: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now