SO1EO7: Haunted

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Roslyn's POV

A search party had been organized to search for Vicki, so I told Damon. He said he'd have her call her brother. Elena and I then go over to the Salvatore boarding house to check on Vicki. Damon answers the door when Elena rings the bell. "Is Stefan here?" she asks him.

"Yep" he says.

"Where is he?" she asks walking into the house.

"And good morning to you, little miss " I'm on a mission"" Damon says.

"How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?" Elena asks him. I giggle, man she's brave.

"And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?" he asks.

"If you wanted either of us dead, you would of killed us by now" I state stepping in front of Elena.

"Yes you would be" he states. "You're back on vervain" he adds.

"Can't be to careful" I state.

"Where is Stefan?" Elena asks him.

"He's upstairs singing 'The rain in Spain'. Knock yourself out" Damon tells her and she goes upstairs in search of Stefan.

"How is Vicki doing?" I ask him.

"Stefan is trying to get her on his bunny diet" he states.

"Is that bad or good?" I ask him.

"It's not terrible, but she needs people blood. How can she control her craving for human blood if she never tries it?" he asks me. "I say snatch, eat ,erase" he states.

"Sounds logical, so how come you aren't training her? You are the reason she is a vampire" I remind him.

"I don't have the patients to train a newbie, especially one with her issues" he states. Soon Elena, Stefan and Vicki come downstairs. Stefan gives Vicki coffee saying it'd help with the cravings. I go to listen.

"It circulate through our veins, and it warms our body so we're not so cold to the touch" he explains.

"What if she wants to drink people blood?" I ask him.

"She's gonna have to learn to live with that urge and fight it on a daily basis one day at time" he states.

"Oh god! Don't start with that whole 12 steps thing. School counselor has been down that road, and it doesn't work for me" Vicki tells him annoyed.

"It can work. It's your choice, Vicki" Stefan tells her.

"So you've never tasted human blood?" Vicki asks him.

"Not in a long time" he tells her.

"How long?" I ask curious.

"Years and years. I'm not proud of my past behavior" he tells us.

"Does this sketchy feeling ever go away? It's like I have a massive hangover. This daylight thing is a bitch. I need more blood. Where's your bathroom? I have to pee. Why do I have to pee? I thought I was dead" Vicki says and goes to the loo.

While she was gone Stefan left to get her more animal blood to drink. Leaving Elena and I alone with the new vampire. As Damon had gone who knows where. "False alarm. My body's feeling really funky. It's a good funk, but it's weird" Vicki says as she reenters the room. She grabs her phone and goes through her contacts.

"Who are you calling?" Elena asks her.

"Jeremy" Vicki answers.

"Vicki, you can't see Jeremy anymore" I tell her.

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