S04E61: My Cousin's Keeper

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Roslyn's POV

I drove Elena and I to the Lockwoods. So that we could help set up for Miss Mystic Falls. Caroline is in charge this year. Oh and Elena broke up with Stefan. "Look, I'm your best friend and I would never pick sides, but are you sure that this is what you want? Because Stefan is your soul mate" Care rants. I give her a look. "Sorry. Picking sides" she mutters.

"It's not like I don't love Stefan anymore, but I can't deny that ever since I turned, my feelings for Damon have become more intense" Elena tells us.

"Honestly, I think you and Damon make a better couple. He makes you more rebellious and you rein him in" I state.

"Yeah, I know. Stefan filled me in on all the gory Damon details" Care mutters.

"He did?" Elena asks surprised. Elena looks at Caroline for a second, clearly worried. "Is he okay?" she asks her concerned.

"No, he's heartbroken" Care tells her.

"Better then her stringing them both along like Katherine did" I tell her.

"Besides, what was I supposed to do? Lie to him?" Elena asks Caroline.

"No, but you weren't supposed to let Damon weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart" Care tells her. I roll my eyes as I rearrange the fires.

"Well, he did and that's exactly what I am. Confused. I need to figure out what these feelings actually mean" Elena tells us. Suddenly a guy approaches us and he gives me a weird vibe.

"Excuse me, I'm a little lost. I'm here to interview contestants" he tells us.

"You're Professor Shane" Elena says.

"Oh, thanks for helping us cure Elena of that curse" I tell him. "Roslyn Sommers" I say offering my hand and he shakes it.

"Yeah, that's right. Professor by day; pageant judge by other day. In spite of being absurdly unqualified, I'm apparently awarding a scholarship" he tells us.

"Uh, inside by the parlor" Care tells him pointing to it.

"I'll show him the way" I state. "See you girls later, take care cousin and don't let Klaus get to you" I tell Elena and Caroline. I hug them both before turning to Professor Shane. "Right this way" I tell him and lead the way.

"That's an unusual birth mark" he says.

"Was born with it, according to my late mum. My dad had it to, but he died years ago" I tell him.

"Do you know anything about him?" he asks me curious.

"Why so curious about my dad? Who I never meet" I ask him.

"Just making conversation" he states.

"He had his own family, including a daughter. But they all died, the end" I tell him.

"Where they from?" he asks and I give him a pointed look. "I swear that's my last question" he assures me.

"Somewhere near New Orleans, I've contemplated going there to see if I have any surviving relatives" I mutter.

"What if I told you I knew your sister?" he asks. I give him a look. "She has the same birth mark as you, and is nineteen" he tells me. I bit my lip, that would be how old my half sister is. He offers me a card. "If you want to find her, give me a call" he tells me and goes over to the other judges.

I head outside and grab a bottle of champagne. And a glass. I pour myself a glass and scowl it. Before pouring myself another. "What has you in a mood little wolf?" Klaus asks as he appears beside me.

"You know I hate that nickname" I remind him. "That professor claims to know the whereabouts of my dead half older sister. Who he claims is alive" I tell him.

"Do you believe him?" he asks me.

"He wasn't lying, or he didn't believe he was lying" I tell him. "Anyway I'll take you to Caroline" I tell him and lead the way. Caroline is outside, picking up empty champagne glasses from tables. She smiles at the attendees of the pageant and walks angrily over to a bus boy.

"Hey, why am I bussing your tables?" she asks him annoyed. She slams the champagne glasses onto his tray. "I said no empty glasses" she states and walks away from him. Heading over to the orchestrate. "Will you guys pick up the tempo?!" she demands snapping her fingers at them. "This is a pageant, not a funeral" she states.

"And how am I doing?" Klaus asks her and she turns to face us.

"You're...perfect" Care admits reluctantly and he smiles. "Just so beyond annoying, I can't even look at you" she says trying not to look at him. I chuckle. Klaus looks over Caroline's shoulder and I follow his line of vision. To see Hayley and Tyler who are walking up the lawn towards the house together and holding hands.

"They didn't waste any time, did they?" he asks us. Caroline turns around and looks at them. She seems upset. I look at her with Klaus. While Caroline continues to watch Hayley and Tyler. They are all great actors.

"Let's just get today over with" she mutters.

"I think you guys need this more then me" I tell Klaus handing him the bottle. He nods and follows Caroline. I just walk among the crowd. Until I see Care on stage and go stand beside Elena.

"Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes" Care says. "As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court" she states with a smile. Everyone claps for the girls. Music starts playing for the introduction of the girls.

"We begin the procession with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clark" she announces. There is a round of applause for Valerie as she walks down the stone steps and is greeted by her escort. "Next, we have Amber Wolvertine accompanied by Hector Lindsay" she continues. Another round of applause is given for Amber. Elena is clapping when Matt approaches us.

"Have you seen Jeremy?" he asks us.

"Been a little preoccupied" I tell him.

"He's probably up there with the escorts" Elena adds. Another girl has been introduced and more applause are heard. She takes the arm of her escort and they walk off together.

"Yeah, Caroline told me to wrangle the escorts. He's not here" he tells us. Elena appears to be slightly worried.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere, I'll go look for him" I tell them. Then leave and start to track Jeremy's scent. I follow it to the old Lockwood cellar to se Stefan with a stake in his stomach. "What have you been doing with my cousin?" I ask him as I rip the stake out.

"I had him kill a vampire" he mutters.

"And now his loss and on a vampire killing spree?" I ask him. "Great, call Damon and I'll continue to track Jeremy" I tell him and leave. I follow Jeremy's scent back to the Lockwood Mansion. I find trying to stake Elena and hit a pressure point like Damon showed me.

"Jeremy!" Elena shouts.

"He's fine, just unconscious. You ok?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I am fine" she assures me. Suddenly a feel a stabbing pain in my leg and snarl in pain. I look to see Jeremy awake. Matt appears and shouts Jeremy's name. He talks him down as I remove the stake from my leg. Matt takes Jeremy away as Stefan appears.

"Took you long enough" I tell him. "I'm gonna go clean up" I tell them and head for the bathroom. I clean my leg up and decide to leave after congratulating April for being the new Miss Mystic Falls. When I reach home I change into my summer pjs and call it an early night.


Picture above of Caroline with Roslyn and gif on the external link of April Young.

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