S01E13: Children of the Damned

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Roslyn's POV

I woke up to see Elena not in her room, so I decided to spend quality time with Jeremy. "So your essay, what drew you to vampiers?" I ask him.

"Don't know, maybe I'm just crazy like all Gilberts" he says shrugging.

"Gilberts aren't crazy" I tell him.

"Easy for you to say Sommers" he teases and we start to play fight. I pin him. "Ok, I give" he says and I release him. "Man, forgot how strong you are cuz" he says and I smile. We return home to see Stefan and Elena going through our old family boxes.

"What are you guys doing?" we ask the pair.

"Hey. Just going through some stuff, feeling sentimental. Dad had this old family journal from years ago. I thought I'd dig it up" Elena explains.

"Jonathan Gilbert's journal?" I ask as Jeremy hopes onto the counter.

"Yeah, what do you know about it?" she asks us.

"I just did a history report on it, with Roslyn's help" Jeremy tells her.

"Oh. So where is it now?" Elena asks.

"I gave it to Mr Saltzman, he wanted to read it" Jeremy explains.

"Oh yeah, he loved Jeremy's creativity and wanted to see his inspiration" I say smiling. I forgot we needed the journal to find the grimoire, to open the tomb. Oh well, I'm sure Mr Saltzman will return it to us and we can find the grimoire. Damon soon appears and starts to make dinner while giving mum wine.

Jeremy and I are playing a video game until we're called to dinner. Which was actually really good. Now Damon and Jeremy are playing the video game, while I  wait to face the winner. Mum and Elena are in the kitchen cleaning.

"You said you never played this thing before" Jeremy says as Damon is creaming him.

"I'm a fast learner. Quick reflexes" Damon tells him. Jeremy's phone beeps and he pauses the game checking his phone. But ignores the call, he tosses his phone aside and unpauses the game. "Who are you dodging?" Damon asks him.

"This girl Anna. She can be, uh, persistent" Jeremy states.

"That's putting it mildly" I tell him.

"Is she hot?" Damon asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, but she can be weird" Jeremy tells Damon.

"Hot trumps weird, trust me" Damon tells him. Jeremy gives a small laugh smiling as they continue to play. Soon the doorbell and Damon leaves the couch dragging me with him when Elena mentioned Stefan.

"Dude!" Jeremy exclaims and I give an apologetic smile. Elena, Damon and I go onto the front porch to talk to Stefan. Who tells us how someone stole Jonathan's journal from Alaric.

"Who took it?" Damon asks.

"I don't know" Stefan tells us.

"You know what, it's that teacher. There's something really off about him" Damon states.

"Saltzman is an honest teacher" I tell him.

"He doesn't know anything, somebody got there before I did" Stefan explains.

"Who else knew it was there?" Damon demands.

"I did, but I told no one. Except these two" I state while Stefan looks at Jeremy. Damon looks at Jeremy also and begins to walk back into the house. "No Damon, leave him out of it" I snap with Elena.

"What's the big deal?" he asks us as he enters the house.

"Damon!" Elena exclaims. But he ignores us heading over to Jeremy. He sits on the arm of the chair Jeremy is on.

Roslyn Sommers: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now