S02E32: The Sacrifice

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Roslyn's POV

I was woken up in the middle of the night by noises coming from inside the house. When I investigate, I found Alaric in boxers and my mum only wearing a shirt. I left them to it grabbing a pair of ear plugs. I got them when Elena dated Matt and Jeremy slept with Vicki. As I'm a light sleeper. I put them in and went back to sleep. I then left early to go to school as I had to meet Caroline and Tyler.

I find them to see Matt walking away from them. "You and Matt still on the outs?" I ask Care as i join them.

"Looks like it" she says sighing. "You realize there's almost a full moon?" she asks Tyler changing the subject.

"Vampires don't have enough problems, you want to take on mine?" he asks us.

"Have you even thought about it?" I ask him curious.

"The whole wolf thing? What are you gonna do?" Care asks.

"I have a plan" he tells us.

"Well?" we ask.

"It's kind of private" he tells us and I roll my eyes.

"Are you really going to turn down you best friend's help?" I ask him.

"I'm student council vice president, head of the prom committee, not to mention I single-handedly organized this town's clean up campaign. And you're really gonna turn down my help?" Care asks him. He agrees to let us help and we get into his car. He drives us to the old Lockwood property where the ruins are.

"Matt's bumming pretty hard" Tyler states as we walk through the woods.

"I know. It's better this way" Care states.

"I get it" Tyler tells her and she frowns in confusion. "You can't be honest with him" he states.

"He's right" I say nodding my head.

"It's not really fair to be with someone and not really let them know who you are. I get it" he explains.

"Since when did you become so wise?" I ask him smirking.

"Not wise, common sense" he tells me. "Right over here. There's a cellar that goes to our old property" he states.

"Tyler we grew up together, we used to play hide and seek out here" I remind him smiling. He smiles back and we head down into the old cellar. He tells us to watch our step. Tyler then turns on a flashlight as they enter the Cellar and moves the beam of light around the room.

"I'm guessing this is where Mason was headed the night he turned. It's this way" he states and we walk deeper into the cellar.

"Did Mason tell you about this place?"  Care asks him.

"Mason bolted before I triggered the curse, but I found these" he states. Tyler shines the beam of light at a part of the cave. Caroline and I walk into the Cellar and looks at where the beam of light has landed. Three deep scratches run across the wall.

"Whoa. They look old" I state touching them. Caroline nods her head in agreement. Tyler shines the light further down the wall at a pair of rusty chains.

"And these bolts and chains. I need new chains, but the bolts could still hold" he explains. Tyler grabs the ring around the bolt and pulls it hard, showing us how resistant they are. "I think that's what this place was used for. Full moons" he states.

"I agree" I tell him  as I look at the iron gate in the door way. Caroline walks forward and spots a nook placing her hand into it. "Did you find something Care?" I ask her.

"Yeah, what's this?" she asks us. She grabs an item wrapped in a piece of cloth. Caroline walks back over to Tyler and I.

"I have no idea" Tyler and I tell her. Caroline unwraps the cloth around what appears to be a journal. I take it out of the cloth and hand it to Tyler.

Roslyn Sommers: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now