S1|E4: It's Yes or Yes (Twice)

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Running through the dark streets of Seoul, wearing a black hoodie and black clothing to conceal my identity as I'm currently on the run from those crazy bats hunting me down. 

Glancing behind me, I was terrified to see how quickly those bodyguards have quickly caught up to me. Shit, not good... 

My radio that has contact with the police station has been destroyed as the girls have shot it. Not wanting to have that same fate, I hid behind an alleyway before pulling my tape recorder.

"To any of my fellow detectives or anyone listening to this... I've never expected the case to go south in a short period of time. I've finally discovered what is possibly Kpop's darkest secret. Now, listen good... This may be the last time you ever hear from me so I'm going to explain all the details while I can." I spoke before explaining how I got into this mess. 



Finishing up writing up reports on the missing person case, I felt bad for the family who dearly misses him as he had vanished out of thin air without any warnings. This has been the fourth missing person this week.

What the hell is even going on...? I got no clue at all. There are no leads or reasons as to what the culprit could gain from kidnapping the middle-class to working-class people so money isn't a likely factor.

Possibly it could be a psychotic person out there in the streets that's taking people against their will for sport. 

Being tired from work today, I looked at the clock, and thankfully it was break time, getting 15 minutes of time off, I closed the Google Docs tab before going to Youtube and listening to "Yes or Yes" by Twice. 

Yes, I'm a ONCE and I've been one ever since they first debuted as I'm a big Kpop fan and I listen to their music whenever I have free time. 

Suddenly, a knock on my door startled me and I took off my headphones before letting the person in. It was one of my co-workers.

"Watsup?" I asked him and he placed an envelope on my desk.

"It's a letter for you, not sure who it's from but I figured you wanna check it out." He informed me and I nodded.

"Alright, thanks," I replied to him and he left my office.

Noticing the letter was bizarre as it had no address as to where it had come from nor did it have the name of the person who sent it to me. Opening the letter with my knife and reading it to find a KCON 2022 VIP Pass and a post-it.

"From your Admirers~." 

Huh, seems like I have secret admirers which is strange as I had never come across something like this as no girls had shown any interest in me. But the creepiest part is what the KCON pass's label.

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