Winnter's Wonderland Q&A #2

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Lucas: Holy fuck... This is a lot of questions...

Lucas: Oh uhm... Hello, my dear viewers! As you all may know by now I am Lucas but most of you know me by aWinnter. Today, I shall be answering your questions. Because you all have no lives... Anyway, let's begin.

Question 1: What in God's name possessed you to create the most cursed and unholy server in Discord history?

Lucas: Okay, I'll be honest, I never intended my server to go into the unholy pits of hell and I'd say it's my friend's fault such as Zak and JR who spammed unholy shit about idols. I swear I had nothing to do with it.

Question 2: Why the fuck is your stories so depressing?

Lucas: Well let me ask you all this... How do you think I create the most epic suspension and dynamic situations of my dear OC character? It just wouldn't be the same without it. But in all seriousness, suicide is bad and you all should seek professional help. Next question.

Question 3: Can you ride Hanni?

Lucas: Why yes I can! I do it all the time!

Question 4: How do you feel about turning the ownership to Alex?

Lucas: Okay look, Alex is a great guy, been through hell and back with me. But he's not fit to become the server owner. It just wouldn't be the same. Besides, I'm way too iconic these days to be replaceable. I can't even replace myself.

Question 4: Do you like Hanni's cock more? Or does Hanni like your cock more?

Lucas: Hmm... Actually, I never thought of that but to answer your question... There really is no difference at all.

Question 5: Hey Lucas can I get a photo of you?

Lucas: I'm a fictional character birthed from my creator... I'm not even real so no.

Question 6: Why do you have the obsession of calling every girl groups mommy?

Lucas: Why? Is that even a question? Because I'm proud of being their toy they can use and I'm proud of being fucked to oblivion. It's that simple.

Question 7: Actual serious question, how nice your lips?😘😘😘

Lucas: Uhh what's all with the kissing emojis? Kinda creeped out here... But to answer your question, yes they are nice.

Question 8: If you were granted the opportunity to become the CEO of Wattpad. What changes would you make and why?

Lucas: Well, start off... I'd get the IT team to work on making the platform better than ever before by removing annoying bugs, get rid of annoying snowflakes in the platform, and make me the number one writer! Also, mandate everyone to join my server. Yeah, that sounds more like it.

Question 9: When are you planning to settle down and marry Handong and Jini?

Lucas: Are you joking? I've been married to them for a long time already! Though there are a few others...

Question 10: How does it feel being the owner of Winnter's Wonderland?

Lucas: Honestly, I find all this degeneracy amusing and entertaining whether or not I get involved.

Question 11: How do you write stories?

Lucas: Well, it's quite simple once you get the hang of it. You just gotta clench your butt cheeks and wish for it really hard and then bam you have a story to publish! That's how it works right? I mean, I'm getting close to a thousand followers.

Question 12: Do you secretly love Zak? Or Alex? Or Alain?

Lucas: Well... Not as much as I love Handong and Jini... Does that answer your question?

Question 13: Blink twice if Zak is keeping you in his basement

Lucas: What the fuck does that supposed to mean? I'm perfectly safe and fine in Handong's basement... *blinks twice*

Question 14: Do you secretly like dressing yourself in a maid outfit?

Lucas: W-What?! Of course not! That's fucking weird and disgusting! I'd never-
Jini: Baby why are there so many maid outfits in your closet?
Lucas: Uhhh... Nothing baby! Moving on!

Question 15: Does ae love feet?

Lucas: Of course he does! Everyone knows that! But it's frustrating when he refuses to admit it! I mean he always changes his username to his convenience and with screenshot proof he still lies! Unbelievable!

Question 16: Are you and Winter still a thing? Or did you know break up?

Lucas: *clears throat*
Lucas: Winter and I were going through some hard times... She wanted to further pursue her career as an idol and I was writing more stories. It just didn't work out... So, we decided to go our separate ways. Life goes on and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her... What could've been...

Lucas: Phew, didn't think I'd make it out of that one... But I love you guys and so does Alain. I mean he wouldn't set this up if he didn't want to amuse you and shit. See ya in the next one!

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