S1|E10: Romance Awards Show (Apink)

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After several months of my debut on stage, it was a success as I quickly gained a lot of popularity and started my own fanbase. It's not as big as EXO or BTS but I'll reach there eventually. 

Either way, attending my very first award show is nerve-racking as this special event could potentially help my career as a soloist grow bigger.

My manager had worked hard to prepare me for this important day, from scheduling dance practices to make sure I'm up to skills with vocals and my performance.

Now, it was all set, I was on my way to the convention center where the awards show is being hosted, from what I heard many of my subaenims are going to be there watching me which doesn't help the fact that I'm sweating a lot. 

"There's nothing to worry about, Y/n, you'll do great out there, I promise!" My manager assured me and I nodded.

Arriving at the VIP parking lot where all fellow celebrities and guests from the elite class are located, the place was full of limbos, and people dressed up appropriately for such a formal occasion.

However, when we began heading to the place where we check in, I happened to catch a sight of my favorite girl group Apink I have been their biggest fan ever since they debuted. 

The girls are beautiful and elegant as ever but seeing them in person is something to die for, in fact, they're the reason why I became a Kpop artist besides having a passion for music. 

Seeing that I'm a peasant compared to them, I didn't even bother trying to talk to them but I can't help but have a feeling that I'm being watched. 

As the rewards show was starting as the crew makes their final touches on the stage's equipment and effects like smoke and fire. 

When the time had come, the host of the Awards show comes forward and thanked all of us for coming tonight, and how excited he was to see the talent coming from each group and how far they've been growing since the last show.

The first group that was up was Blackpink sunbaenims as they've won the musician of the year award. Jisoo-Noona came up and thanked all of us for our support. 

"I wish to thank you and the Blinks for making this happen! If it wasn't for any of you then we wouldn't be here in this position!" Jisoo said to us with a bright smile.

When her speech was done, the rest of her members came and made their speech but it was short, next up, was the album and song of the year, I was nervous because it was one of the grand prizes. 

"And the grand prize of the song and album of the year goes to... Song Y/N!!!" The host announced and I was in total shock. 

The crowd cheered and clapped for me as I slowly walked up the stage before holding the prized trophy. I couldn't believe that I'd won two grand prizes in such a short period of time. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, a rookie Kpop soloist has earned two grand prizes in a single awards show. Quite an amazing feat and something to be very proud of!" The host explained to the crowd.

"I-I don't know what to say but thank you! All of you!" I said to everyone watching me.

For the rest of my speech, I had to come up with it in my head as I didn't exactly prepare for such an extraordinary event. All seem to have supported me but some do not which is fine by me. 

Anyway, the rest of the awards show took about a couple more hours after presenting all of the categories and awards to those who've rightfully earned them. I was happy that Apink had earned 

As I and the manager began to leave the vicinity, I heard someone crying for help, deciding I check out what was wrong as I'm a person with a heart. 

When I found the source of the crying, I was heart sunk to see that my favorite group is currently being harassed by a group of jealous celebrities who've been short a few points behind Apink.

"You sluts don't even deserve such recognition and you're talents are nothing compared to us!" The leader said to them.

"Yeah, people who listen to you have nothing but bad tastes in music!" One of the members insulted them and I had enough.

Walking up to the shitheads who are attacking Apink, I'm not the one to hit girls but I won't hesitate to give 'em one slap on the face. 

Apink had noticed my presence and are surprised to see me here meanwhile the bullies had threatened me to scram or else but of course, I didn't listen to them as I had better plans. 

"Do you want to die or something?" The leader asked me and I responded by giving her the hardest slap on her cheek causing her to fall over. 

"What the he-" One of them was about to say but I pepper sprayed her before she could finish causing her to scream in agony from the burning sensation. 

"Listen up you assholes, you better leave these girls alone! They won fair and square and you all are just sore losers! So fuck off!" I yelled at them and they quickly leave the area. 

"T-Thank you so much, Y/N, I don't know we're going to repay you." Chorong-Noona thanked me and I bowed.

"It's no problem, sunbaenim! It was only the right thing to do." I replied to her and she smiled.

The rest of the night, I asked the manager's permission to spend the night with the girls and he agreed as I have no schedule for tomorrow, however, he warned me that I was still on the dating ban. That blows. 

"Y/N, should we eat at this place?" Naeun asked me and I agreed. 

"Wah, the food looks so good~! But so are you, Y/N~!" Bomi commented before winking at me causing me to blush. 

We drove in the van and to the place that Naeun had suggested, Bomi and Eunji laid their heads on my shoulders as they were tired from the awards show. 

It was awkward being the only guy in the vehicle but Chorong assured me that I'll be just fine but it didn't really help the fact that Bomi had been constantly flirting with me during the whole trip.

Finally arriving at the location, Bomi had been linking arms with me the entire time earning stares from the members but they could only giggle. I don't think it would matter if I had a dating ban. 

Trying out the food, it was great, I offered to pay for dinner but Chorong declined the offer as the meal was paid for by their agency. 

Hanging out with them is truly a dream by any fan but for it to actually happen in real life is something very few people can experience. 

Just as I had thought the night was over with the girls...

"Wait, Y/N, could you stay with us~?" Naeun asked me and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 

"W-What?!" I replied to her and the girls giggled.

"Yeah, we want to repay you for saving us earlier and maybe we could do more than just hangout~." Chorong proposed to me and I gulped as I knew I couldn't turn down such an offer. 

"Alright, fine..." I accept her offer and they smiled before they all grabbed me and dragged me into the van. 

The rest of the night... Well, it was full of interesting activities. 

Author: Last request of the first season! To the requester, I hoped this was good enough for you and that you all enjoyed reading this. Please leave a vote and comment if you can :)

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