S2|E7: Siren's Voice (Soyeon)

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February 15, 1943

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February 15, 1943

It's been six days since the Japanese resistance of Guadalcanal was squashed, I've been assigned to the island along with the Marine 332nd Battalion to ensure the island's security.

Haha, the commander gave me a heads up that it's the most boring but yet the most critical outpost in the Pacific Theatre as we continue General MacArthur's island-hopping campaign.

We pretty much get to relax for a change until we get sent to the front lines again, the beaches are nice too.

Other than that, I'm well and alive, that's all I have to say...

End of Journal


Finishing writing in my journal as my boys were playing poker and shit, everything is so far quiet as usual.

The watchmen are doing nothing but staring at the vast emptiness of the Ocean looking out for any signs of invasion or incoming bandits in the sky.

"This is such a bore, don't you think?" Gregory asked the boys.

"I don't know man, taking a break from all the battles is something I can get used to," James replied to him before putting down a joker card.

"God danmit! You've gotta fucking be kidding me!" Frank commented as he'd lost the bet and we all chuckled.

As part of the bet, he had to pay up the money for the loss of the game but of course, they weren't exactly done playing.

With nothing else left to do, I exit the quarters and go outside, the waves were calm and the beach was all nearly quiet yet soothing.

It was clear as day as there were barely any clouds leaving no chance of any aerial bombardment as bombers would be easily spotted in the open skies but that still won't stop the Japanese from attempting to bomb us.

Anyway, the watchmen were fulfilling their duties of watching the calm waters and so far, it was all clear with no enemy activity.

Deeply sighing, I go back inside my quarters but all my boys were not inside but I didn't care that much.

Sitting on my bunk, I take my M1 Garand and began polishing the wood and cleaning the metal to prevent any rust.

Throughout the rest of the day, all we've been doing is laying around doing nothing or doing chores given by our Sergeant in charge of the outpost.

As the sun began settling down on the horizon, everyone had finished eating chow and hit the head for tonight.

Laying on my bunk with my rifle handing on the frame, I was soundly asleep with absolutely no interruptions whatsoever.

However... In the middle of the night, I heard faint singing and I woke up as I was mesmerized despite it being far from the outpost's position.

But I can't let my guard down as it could be some sort of predator or a trick of the Japanese soldiers trying to lure us into a trap of some kind.

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