Winnter's Wonderland Q&A #3

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Alex: Why am I here again...? Oh, uhm hello my dear readers, and welcome to Winnter's Wonderland Q&A. *sigh*
Alex: Alright first question...

Question 1: Do you regret joining Lucas's server?

Alex: No words cannot comprehend how much I regret joining his server... Period.

Question 2: Do you secretly love Lucas, YJ, or Zak?

Alex: Uh... Look uhm Lucas... This isn't how I wanted you to find out...


Alex: The closest you can get to a school zone

Question 4: What is your opinion of this server?

Alex: Bad. Nothing else to say... Just bad

Question 5: Have you ever looked up ae in the urban dictionary?

Alex: Let me do that real fast... Haha! Lol

Question 6: What is your opinion on Zak?

Alex: Well...


Alex: Zak what the fuck are you doing?!
Zak: Alex, you fuck knuckle what does it look like I'm doing? Imma bout to thundercunt this car battery into the Ocean!
Alex: Why are you doing this?! This is illegal!
Zak: It doesn't say anywhere on this sign that I can't...
Zak: Well someone has to charge the electric eels, Alex!
Alex: ZAK NO!!!


Alex: No comment. Next question, please

Question 7: Do you see yourself as fit to be the server owner?

Alex: Well since Lucas pretty much doesn't do much in his server, I ended up doing most of it while he enjoys our suffering. I'm practically the server owner already.

Question 8: Do you enjoy the adventures you and the 763 crew have been through so far?

Alex: I did enjoy Seaworld and visiting the Queen Mary was interesting, the rest not so much... Aetri does tend to get us into trouble and once got us lost in a hiking trip. Not so fun at all.

Question 9: How big is that cock?

Alex: Ten inches deep in your mom

Question 10: Do you secretly hate Alain?

Alex: Look, Alain and I may butt heads from time to time... But he isn't all that bad so no I don't secretly hate him. Maybe a little...

Question 11: Do you keep Zak and Lucas in your basement?

Alex: Why yes, of course... Wait a minute... OF COURSE, I DON'T!!!

Question 12: Who do you think is the most horny?

Alex: That is a good question... But in my opinion, it has to be Zak, Lucas, JR, and Mijoo's Husband

Question 13: Do you think Amir likes pegging?

Alex: I think we all know Amir likes pegging. It's just that he doesn't want to admit it

Question 14: How did you feel when Lucas had you and Zak share a bed in his Halloween special?

Alex: I swear to God if Lucas made me share a bed with him, I would personally fly over to his house and waterboard him!

Question 15: Why does it take you so long to reply to people's messages?

Alex: Obviously because I'm too busy with... Things... Yeah, things... *kicks trashcan full of used tissues*
Alex: Alright! That's it for the questions! We're done here!

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