Winnter's Wonderland Q&A #1

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Author: Greetings my fellow readers. Although nobody asked for any of this, I wanted to do it anyway for my and my friend's amusement so the title says it all... Btw if yall have additional questions answer down below in the comments and I'm confident they'll be more than happy to answer them :)

ae: Why am I here?
Alain: Because you have some questions we'd like you to answer
ae: Questions about what?!
Alain: You'll see...

ae: What is he talking about...? Okay, let's start I guess... First question!

Question 1: Left foot or right foot?

ae: What the fuck does that supposed to mean?! How many times do I have to tell you people?! I. Don't. Like. Feet! Next Question!

Question 2: Big toe or little toe?

ae: For fucks sake we're moving on!

Question 3: How does it feel to be Kazuha's foot slut?

ae: Hah! She wishes! In fact, she is my bitch! Although I may like licking her feet... Uhm, moving on!

Question 4: I always wanted to ask... How did it feel to divorce Kazuha?

ae: Finally! Someone with manners! It felt amazing! I no longer was her slave or her slut anymore and I had just grown tired of her being so overpossessive all the time! I mean all I do is just talk to other idols and I have female friends! There's nothing wrong with that!

Question 5: Who is best girl? You? YJ? JR? Or Lucas?

ae: Pft. Comparing them to me? Obviously, I'm the best girl! Wait a minute...

Question 6: What is your opinion on the 763 crew?

ae: You really want to know...? Okay, here's what I think of them. Alex is a ****! Zak is a *****! JR can lick my ****! Aye is ********!

five minutes later...

ae: And finally Wizie... He's cool. Moving on.

Question 7: Are you a furry?

ae: W-What?! Of course I'm not a furry! I-I would ne- *closets bursts open of furry costumes*
ae: That is not mine...

Question 8: Would it kill you to be nice to Zak and the others? They may stop clowning you and tyring not to torture you for five minutes.

ae: Well last time I was nice to anyone. It didn't end so well...

Question 9: Why do you think Kazuha hasn't killed you yet despite being unfaithful multiple times?

ae: Hmmm... Come to think of it. I don't know. But I'm actually surprised she still doesn't want me signing those divorce papers and stay with her all these years. Do my constant cheating and stabbing her in her back not warrant an execution? My best guess is that my suffering is her entertainment.

Question 10: Have you ever talked to Kazuha about how abusive she is?

ae: Why does it always have to be about Kazuha? Can I be my own individual for once? I'm tired of being associated with that pathetic excuse of a wife! But to answer your question... No, we never talked about it. Genuinely at least.

Question 11: Do you realize while reading these questions that Kazuha is standing right behind you?

ae: H-Huh?! *turns around and finds nothing*
ae: You guys are enjoying this aren't you?!

Question 12: When will you admit you love feet?

ae: My god! So much disrespect! I DO NOT LIKE FEET!!! What did I do to deserve this?!

Question 13: Have you ever looked up your name in the urban dictionary?

ae: Actually I never have thought of that. I might as well look it up right now.

ae: Oh come on! That's it! I'm outta here! And I DON'T LIKE FEET!!!! *leaves*

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ae: Oh come on! That's it! I'm outta here! And I DON'T LIKE FEET!!!! *leaves*

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