S3|E9: My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Lily Morrow)

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Requested by: @YooJeonghoon



"N-No please, Y/N, I'm sorry!" Lily pleaded and I deeply sighed.

Looking at her pitiful self, it pains me to see her in tears and on her knees begging for forgiveness.

Not too long ago, I'd caught her having an affair with another man, unfortunately, this isn't the first time she'd proven to be unloyal.

The first time it happened, I let it slide and forgave her thinking that she'd change but I was more than wrong.

I should've never forgiven or trusted her in the first place and none of this bullshit wouldn't happen but what's past is the past.

"Look, Lily, I've already given you more than enough chances already and I've had enough of this," I said.

"No! No! Please, just one more chance and I swear that I'll be the best girlfriend! I promise!" She pleaded as she tightly held my hands.

"Just stop, Lily, you're only making this harder than it needs to be..." I said and I shook her hands off.

Going into the bedroom, I take all of her luggage and gave it to her, again, she begged me not to kick her out of the house.

However, it was too late for her as this time, I'm absolutely finished with her, and I'm tired of going through a cycle of endless mental agony.

Escorting her out of my house, I didn't say a word as breaking up with her is too much for me to bear.

When I got her outside of my house, she started to act strangely, and instead of crying her eyes out... She began manically laughing.

"Ha... Ha... HAHAHAHA!!! No! No! You can't break up with me! You need me to complete you and I need you to complete me!" She yelled and I was starting to get creeped out.

"L-Lily, please calm do-" I was about to say.

"Hell no! I'm not going to calm down! Not when you're trying to leave me! No, my dear, you belong to me and forever will be!" She said and I shut the door.

Despite the door being closed, I can still hear her talking crazy shit about how we're destined for each other.

About ten minutes later, I gave her some time for her to vacate my property but I can still hear her banging on the door and screaming.

It got to a point where she started to act out of control which grabbed the attention of my neighbors so I had no other option but to call the cops.

"112, what's your emergency?" The operator asked.

"Hey, I have a crazed psychopath banging and screaming at my door, could you send some officers to get her out of here?" I asked.

"Okay, please state your address or location," The operator instructed.

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