S4|E2: Unlikely Love (Female Idols)

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Prom is only in a week and I'm ecstatic to go with my girlfriend Solar, we've both been looking forward to this day for a long time.

She already picked out her prom dress and I picked out my tuxedo, and all I need to do is officially ask her to be my date.

Today is the day that I'm going to ask Solar to be my date for prom despite the fact that we have different social statuses.

Solar is known to be one of the school's bad girls but she has a soft side for me, and I'm basically the school's nerd and introvert.

Honestly, I never wanted to have any interaction whatsoever because I simply want to graduate high school with no involvement in trouble.

Yet here I am, holding a bouquet of flowers, reciting my lines over and over to myself in the mirror in the bathroom when nobody is present.

I know it may sound weird but I don't want to mess this up and make myself look like a fool in front of her and everyone else.

Once I feel confident enough in my ability, I exited the bathroom, I texted Solar to find out where she was but strangely she never replied and instead left me on read.

It didn't take long for the thought of her being unfaithful to come into my mind but I shrugged it off as there was no way that she'd do such a thing.

Looking around campus there was no sign of Solar anywhere, I've looked at the courtyard, cafeteria, and the usual classrooms she hangs out in, and not a single clue of her whereabouts.

However, there was one place that I didn't search... The rooftop where Solar confessed her feelings.

Going up the stairs to the rooftop, I heard loud chatter coming from outside the door, and I slightly opened the door wide enough for me to peek through.

When I got eyes on the group of students, my stomach dropped when I saw Solar in the arms of Park Jinwoo the school's most ruthless and popular guy.

"So, babe, is that degenerate nerd going to be a problem?" Jinwoo asked.

"Don't worry, baby, that idiot doesn't suspect a thing, I'm only just using him and when the time is right, I'm going to make prom a living hell for him." She answered and he smirked.

"Haha! That's my girl!" He replied.

My heart sunk and shattered into a million pieces, I wanted to cry and throw up but the shock in my mind made my body freeze in place.

After hearing them shit-talking me, I heard enough and ran down the stairs as fast as I can and balled my eyes out.

Considering that my relationship with Solar is practically over, the bell rang signaling for the first class of the day.

Grabbing my duffle bag from the locker, I go into the building where the locker rooms are located.

My mind was still stuck in those traumatizing events from earlier, and I have no idea how I'm going to get over it.

Kpop Novels Vol.2 | Female Idols X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now