S3|E12: My Obsessive Best Friend (Chou Tzuyu)

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Tzuyu's POV

Why...? Why can't it be me...? Why can it be me that loves you...? Why...?

That bitch... That pathetic bitch always abuses you and makes your life a living hell yet ironically, you still decide to stay with her.

But don't worry my dear... I'll save you, and I'll be sure that bitch Jennie won't be an obstacle in our relationship.



Living in this house has been nothing but hell and mental torture, it amazes me to see how Jennie went from cute and bubbly to becoming the devil himself.

She always bosses me around like I'm nothing but an expendable being, and doesn't love me the way she used to do.

It's always been like this ever since she started her new job, I understand that it's extremely stressful but is it really necessary to take it all out on me...?

"Y/N, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!" I hear Jennie yell and I shrivel in fear.

"R-Right here..." I nervously replied and she huffed.

"Go get me a drink, gosh, you're fucking worthless, why am I even with you?" She insulted and I looked my head down in shame.

Hastily, I ran to the kitchen to grab a couple of beers from the fridge, she kept telling me to hurry up, and I poured it all into the glass.

Taking the glass, I handed it to her, and she snatched it away without saying thank you or showing any gratitude.

Afterward, she ordered me to clean up the house as she always makes a huge mess when she's drunk.

Sweeping up the broken glass shards on the carpet, I can't help but recall the times when she was kind and loving.

Again, Jennie was never like this and it's hard to believe an office job would change her behavior and personality in a blink of an eye.

"Yes, babe, don't worry, my worthless boyfriend shouldn't be a problem, I'll be able to go out with you~," I hear her say on the phone.

Oh right, she always flirts and interacts with other guys, but in reality, all she wanted was sex and she always plays with them as she does to me.

Either way, there's nothing I can do about it, and when I do speak up about it she physically and violently beats me.

Every day is nothing but an endless cycle of pain and torture, she does occasionally go out with other guys.

Sometimes, she ends up in a motel all sore and she forces me to pick her up as her affair partners always leave.

Regardless, it's painful to know that she has sex with other guys but me, and she always treats me like I'm nothing to her.

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