S4|E1: The Lord and Vampire (Choi Yena)

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Known to be the last of my kind of the Sith Lords, wielders of the energized crimson blades that can cut down through anything in its path, and wielders of a powerful Force of Nature.

Just like Vampires, we are immortal beings but as of today, I am no longer considered to be a Sith...

I walked away from that life years ago, my entire life was full of nothing but fear, anger, and hatred for every living being on this planet.

Yet, so many Vampires once stood before me and all have fallen, they seek the same thing from me... A hybrid of a Vampire and a Sith, one that is more than powerful enough to defeat me and achieve their selfish desires.

I cannot allow any of that to happen although I still somewhat despise the human race for their greed and impurity.

Living hundreds to more than a thousand years on this planet, have I walked amongst mortal and fragile beings.

Witnessing once mighty civilizations and empires falling before my eyes, tearing themselves apart from the inside.

Yet the same fate happened to my own kind, we sought power and dominance to become the true Master of the darkness.

My parents fought in that pointless war and they paid with their lives for it, leaving me all alone to squabble.

Meanwhile, with the Sith Empire gone, it leaves other rival factions and clans of the Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, and Witches to take over leading to a power struggle.

That was thousands of years ago, now with humans inventing innovative technology that we possessed in ancient times, all surviving factions went into hiding.

But the most powerful faction and clan of them all is the Vampire Clan, overtime their biology evolved not only into becoming more intelligent and strong. They no longer require their routine diet and supply of human blood.

As for me, I was smart enough to stay out of the conflict, hiding in the deep unknown woods, living in a small yet simple cabin near the freshwater lake rich with the Life Force.

My only wish is to not be disturbed but that's an impossible one as every day, one of the members of the factions discovers me. 

Unfortunately, for them, they all meet the same fate, in order to make yourself my wife you must first pass a test. 

You must beat me in a duel but of course, all have failed and died trying, though their deaths should serve as a warning it only draws more and more unwanted attention. 

That's when things started to get more interesting... 



Yena's POV

"Oh my God, he's so cute~!" Hyewon-Unnie cooed making her baby giggle. 

"You better take good care of him, Unnie, otherwise we might steal him from you~," Chaewon teased and she glared. 

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