S5|E3: Hired Body (Kim Gaeul)

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Arriving at the designated location of the crime scene with my partner Harvey Stone, when we looked at how huge the scene was, we knew it would be a long night.

We get out of our vehicle and walked up to our fellow officers, showing our badges to allow us to pass.

"Detective Yang and Stone, we're glad that you came. It's quite brutal in there," The officer warned us.

"Nothing we can't handle, officer," Harvey assured.

Making our way into the manor, we see multiple spills of blood from the victim Mister Lang, from his background, he is a wealthy businessperson and married to Lang Jennifer who has no idea of the person who would do such a heinous act.

"I-I swear, officers! I was away from home drinking with my girls, and I came here to find my husband dead!" Jennifer begged.

"Calm down, Ms. Lang, we just need you to answer our questions, you may be a suspect but we don't have enough proof that you are the criminal behind this," The officer explained.

"Perhaps Mr. Lang had enemies... Seeing that he's well known to the industry," Harvey suggested.

"I have a feeling it's not that simple," I replied.

"How is that so?" He asked and I examined his body.

Analyzing his corpse, there was no sign of physical trauma or injuries, on his desk is his working laptop, and looking at his screen it would seem he was doing some work reports so there's nothing in there that could lead us to the culprit.

If there is no weapon used to take his life, he had to have been poisoned. Taking a syringe, I insert it into his vein and draw out a sample of his blood to test later.

Besides the laptop, there was also a mug with hot coffee, guessing he was a bit of a workaholic, he must've been sipping on coffee to keep him awake but I decided to take the mug and give it a sniff.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Narcotics, one sip of this is enough to kill a man," I answered.

"So the culprit drugged his nightly coffee, that's a start," He mentioned and I nodded.

Walking up to Ms. Lang, I ordered the officer to step aside and let me handle this, I take Ms. Lang outside into my patrol car so we can have some privacy.

"Ms. Lang, right?" I asked and she slowly nodded.

"Where were you when your husband died?" I asked.

"I was drinking with the girls at the nearby bar," She answered and I write it down.

"Okay, do you know of anyone that has a grudge against your husband, so much so that they'll kill him?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Well, he did make a lot of rivals considering he's a businessman, but I doubt any of them had the guts to do this," She explained.

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