S2|E4: Graveyard Shift Pt.4 (Female Idols)

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Coming back to this hellhole once again, I sighed deeply at my life decisions, going inside through the entrance using the provided keys. 

I walked through the dining area and did a head count of all the animatronics, going to the show stage, Jisoo, Sana, and Nayeon are all accounted for.

Next step, I go to the arcade room to check out Yunjin and Jennie and both are present, and finally, I head to the Auditorium and Kazuha was there on her stage. 

After getting the headcount finished, I wrote it down on the report paper and left it on the counter to customer service. 

Heading down the corridor, I entered the security office as usual and grab the tablet on the desk and wait for the phone to ring. 

The first thing I did was look at the show stage and the other rooms but of course, nobody was inside the building except for me.

Suddenly, the phone began to ring and I looked to see it was yet another message from my boss, I pressed the play button and hear what he has to say for tonight.

"Hello? Hey, looks like you are on the final night of the week, congrats! Anyway, everything else is pretty much the same, but remember that animatronic in the music box? If I recall, her name is Kim Taeyeon and she's the oldest animatronic in the pizzeria. I even heard rumors that she's the puppet master of all the characters here but I'm sure she won't be much of a threat as long as you keep the music box going. Also, note if she does get out of her box, the disguise masks won't fool her and if you're unlucky enough, she'll come to your office, and you're dead meat. I don't know what's up but... Something isn't right about her and she's been out of order for quite some time and our mechanics haven't been successful as she's an older model. Could you check up on her? That's all I have to say, goodnight." 

Taeyeon is her name huh...? I swear that name sounds familiar but I can't quite point my finger at it as it was a long time ago. 

Whatever, I looked at the show stage camera and of course, Nayeon and Sana were missing, scanning through the building, I saw Sana was in the janitor's closet and Nayeon in the east corridor. 

Checking in the arcade room I see that Yunjin and Jennie are active now as they're both staring directly at me and the same goes for Kazuha but it was disturbing to see her walk on all fours like she did when she was chasing me.

Out of nowhere, I heard laughter echoing from outside and I looked at the show stage to see that Jisoo is missing as well. Looks like everyone is out here to get me. 

Wounding up the music box in the prize corner to prevent Taeyeon from waking up, I heard footsteps coming from the east corridor. 

When Nayeon entered my office, I already had put on the Sana mask to pretend to be one of them. 

This time she didn't say a word nor did anything but instead, she exited my office so I took off the mask seeing it was safe to do so.

Wounding up the music box once again, I checked up on the other girls Kazuha had left her room along with Jennie and Yunjin. 

Kpop Novels Vol.2 | Female Idols X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now