S2|E11: Possession (Moonybul)

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Finishing off yet another hard dance practice and choreography training, I packed up my stuff in my duffle bag and exited the dance room but I was surprised to see Moonybul-Noona waiting for me.

"Y/N, how are you~?" She asked me as she patted my head.

"U-Uhm, I'm doing fine Noona, what about you?" I replied to her and she smiled.

"Awh, how sweet of you to ask~! I'm great now that you're here~!" She sweetly replied to me and I gulped.

Gently pushing her hand off of my sweaty head, I excused myself before going to my dormitory, I'm still a trainee here at SM Entertainment, but the company hasn't decided on a group to put me in, and the veteran idol and member of Mamamoo is Monnybul-Noona.

Noona has always been protective of me... Making sure that I'm eating well, and training hard, and she even covers revealing clothing during filming. That's where she gets her nickname "Conservative-Moon" from...

Anyway, she's a nice Noona and has always been kind to me regardless of how overprotective she can get but it creeps me out sometimes.

Suddenly, I heard knocking sounds on my door, I was upstairs in my bedroom putting some clothes on, and once I was finished, I head downstairs to see who it was.

Opening the door, I was a bit weirded out that nobody was outside or in the halls, when I looked at the floor, there was an envelope, so I picked it up and closed the door.

Curiosity had obviously struck me as there was no name or address to indicate who it could be from, opening the envelope with a letter opener, there was of course a letter... Huh?

Unfolding the paper, I was petrified to see what appears to be a sick kind of letter that comes from a saesang, there was a lipstick mark on it, and pictures of me sleeping and showering.

Fucking hell, that would explain why I get the feeling of being watched sometimes whenever I'm in my bedroom late at night. At first, I thought they were just my mind playing tricks.

Reading the letter, whoever had written this shit is clearly lovesick over me, and she threatened that if I dare "cheated" on her... I'll be in a world of hurt.

Not wanting anything to do with this, I ripped apart the letter and threw it in the trash can before reporting this to my manager.

Sadly, when it comes saesangs, they're quite slick meaning they can't be caught easily by authorities.

Seeing there was nothing more I can do about the situation, I carried on with my normal routine as a trainee, however, today, I heard from my manager that Mr. Sooman had assigned me to be the leader of one of the upcoming boy groups.

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