Chapter 22 - He's back

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Zahra POV

"Emily can I go out somewhere?"I asked her when Emily, Carol and I were sitting on the big couch at the living room while watching a very good movie.

I'm sitting on the left side of Emily while Carol sat on her right side so Emily was between me and Carol.

"Out? No."Emily said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why?"I whined and shook her elbow.

"The King says no. He said that you can't go out without him or his permission. So, no means no."she said and shrugged her shoulder making me huffed.

Seriously, why should I asked his permission?

Well Zahra he's your husband.

"Huhh, husband?" I muttered to myself causing Emily looked at me.

"What?"I said innocently then huffing when she's trying to laugh at my weird behaviour.

Time flies very fast and now over a month has passed yet he didn't came home. Well I'm glad actually, it's better if he didn't came home.

"You want to go out?" Emily said making me snapped out from my thoughts.

My eyes lights up when she said that as I smiled widely then nodded my head. I saw her tucked her hand into her pocket then pulled out her phone.

"Here."she handed me the phone but I didn't took it when I stared it for a long time making me frowned.

"Here take it."she put the phone in my palm making me looked at her with a frowned.

"What is this?"I asked her as I stared to the phone then back to her.

"You don't know this?"she gasped as she pointed the phone in my hand,"That's a phone Zahra."she said while giggled with Carol making me glared them.

"Of course I know."I huffed,"I mean why are you giving me this and what do you want me to do with this?"

They were still laughing until I pinched Emily's arm making her stopped laughing and Carol was wiping her tears because of her laughing.

She rubbed the place that I pinched and she pouted making me arched my eyebrow to her.

"That's hurt."she whimpered making me narrowed my eyes towards her.

Emily pouted, "Well if you want to go out you have to ask King's  permission. I'm giving you a chance now to call him."

"Huhh, call him? No way!"I shouted and threw her phone back on her lap.

"Why? You say that you want to go out? Now why you didn't want to call him?" Emily said as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yeah, why?"Carol said.

"W-Well I don't want to because I've change my mind. I don't want to go out."I stuttered and looked away from them and looked to the television.

Why am I behaving like this when we're talking about him?

"Why not? He's your husband now?" she tilted her side to the side, "Unless..... Are you shy to our King?" she asked and grinning widely as Carol nodded and wiggled her eyebrow.

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