Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

Ding! Dong!
Lifting my hazy eyelids open, I swallow in attempt rinse my dry throat and mouth. Squinting slightly at my surroundings: window with curtains open, wardrobe, pile of clothes- my clothes, my wardrobe, my room. Exhaling thankfully I sit up slowly, rubbing my throbbing head.

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!
Grumbling from my covers I throw my body from the mess of a bed. Trudging down the stairs i pull open the heavy oak door. Slapping the air from inside of me as the icy march wind knifed me I'm met with a rather good looking man.

His stubble etching the side of his face and his dark eyes deeply scanning my clearly stunned face.
"Anastasia?" His voice was low and intimidating as he stepped closer to the door frame, hands firmly placed in his pockets.
"That's me, and you are?" I fold my arms over my chest as the morning spring wind managed to slip passed his tall frame and into the house.
"In here to collect my brother" he stepped inside and shut the heavy oak door behind him before scanning every inch of the hall way.
"Please do come inside" I mock and lead him into the living room, "sorry about the mess, it's always like this" i shrug my thin woollen top back onto my shoulder as one side had started to cascade down my arm.

"Well I won't be staying long" he pushed a magazine along the couch a little and sat on the plush fabric.
"Ok um, can I get you a drink?" I shift slightly, feeling mildly underdressed in my small blue shorts and thin top that had a thing of sliding down my arms.
"Just a glass of water" he brought his right leg over his left knee and sat rather awkwardly in his fitted black suit.

Padding through to the kitchen, I swing open the cupboard and retrieve a glass. Our kitchen is basic and dated; a dark blue paint lies thick on the thinking plaster and the ceramic tiles are a mix between white and brown- the most appalling shade of tiles I think anyone can find. Turning on the tap, I hold the glass underneath, watching it fill-
"-I only drink filtered water" he appears by the door of the kitchen. Of course he drinks filtered water, why would you even dare to pour his royal highness a class of average water.

Smiling bitterly at the unexpected guess I pull open the fridge door to get the water filter.
"Good morningggggg!" Kate sung as she waltzed into the room, jumping slightly at the mans presence, "Go on Anastasia!" She raised her eyebrows at me smiling from ear to ear.
"Wha?" I knitted my eyebrows together, searching her face for any sign of what she was on about.
"I know I got lucky last night but I didn't realise you did!" Kate nods from me to the mystery man and back again.
"Wow, no no no, we didn't" we say in sync causing a small giggle to be released from her lips.
"He is just- actually who the fuck are you?" I question putting the filter onto the side next to the glass and tuning to face him.
"I'm just here to collect-"
"Christian, my brother your here! Why?" Elliot threw himself onto Kate, tangling his arms around her torso and softly kissing her shoulder.
"To collect you" Christian rolled his eyes at his brother, tugging slightly at the cuff of his blazer, "you have responsibilities Elliot, you can't just disappear all of a sudden" his voice was stern but Elliot seemed not effected by his tone.
"Ok well best you two be off now" I ushered them out the room and towards the door. Elliot leaving first.
"Thanks for looking after him" Christian gripped my wrist before following his brother out to a black car that was parked outside.

"Who was that"

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