CHAPTER 15:Friends

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CHAPTER 15: Friends

I watch people. It's my pass time.

Sometimes my mind wonders where two people could have their cute meet in front of me. That moment that you see in movies where say a man, who has only a shirt and no trousers, first meets a girl, who has only trousers and no shirt. It's that initial exchange that I love to imagine, you always see it in the eyes of the main character.

Right now I'm watching someone, and I think they know it too. He's standing tall looking out of the large window with his back facing me.

In a book where the two of us are romantically involved, this may be the moment I would get up and lay a salutary kiss on his neck before whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

Or in a book where we are mortal enemies, I probably would push him through the glass sending him falling 40 feet to his death.

But we are neither in love or in despise, we are...


"Why am I here Christian" I speak up, not moving from my place at the breakfast bar.

"To take that course-"

"No." I cut him off, "why did you need me here?" I ask and for a moment he hesitates before turning away from the glass to face me.

He assesses my face before letting his eyes drop to the floor. "I have got myself caught up in a slight issue with my family. Being the eldest son and CEO of the family business, I broke a big rule in my family" he pauses looking at me before approaching my chair.

"Being?" I pushed him for his answer.

"I- we- well. To take on the family venture, you must be married" he doesn't keep the key contact but focusses on his hands.

"Your married" taken aback, I sit upright on my chair, but I'm not bothered by it obviously- because I don't like him like that- hell I don't even know the man.

"I was"

Thank fuck.

"What happened?" I was tempted to put my hands on his but thought against it.

"She fell ill and passed a few years back" his water stunned eyes flared out the window as he took a deep breath.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry Christian" I grab his hand and give it a reassuring squeeze to which he glances down at me.

"So I -err- I lied to my family. Said I moved on and found someone knew, please Anna. Be my fake wife?"

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