CHAPTER 23: Facetime

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CHAPTER 23: FaceTime

The rest of dinner was lovely, We later moved into the drawing room where I got to know Christians Mother a bit more. She apologised for both her and her husbands behaviour on departure, not sure if it was the expensive wine talking or if she actually meant it- either way it was a nice gesture.

Beep! Goes the door to our suite as Christian scans his key fob.
"After you" he gestures with his hand and he pushed open the door.
"Why thank you" I nod as I enter the rather large apartment.

Pulling off my heels I head to the kitchen,
"Can I interest sir in a drink?" I say standing behind the kitchen island.

"We have wine in that cupboard" Christian answers with a rather cold tone to his voice. I follow his gaze and stand on my tip toes to reveal the bottle he has suggested.

Grabbing it from the cupboard, my ring  clinked as the cold metal hit the cold glass. Looking at the stunning engagement ring I notice the subtle colour to it.

A slight rose tint is evident in the large stone and I can't help but admire it more now.

"Can I help you with that" Christian is suddenly in front of me, smirking at the look on my face. He gently takes the bottle out of my hands and unscrews the lid before pouring into two glasses.

"Oh, er, thank you" I stutter, "I got distracted" I say swinging my hand behind my back, attempting to hide what had me to intrigued. Although I'm sure he already knows.

"Pink diamond" he says, whilst slowly doing up the lid of the wine and handing me a glass. Of course he know what he was gazing at. I mentally face palm myself for thinking he wouldn't.

"In Elizabethan times pink was thought to represent happiness and delight" turning from the counter he walks towards the large seating area, glancing back over his shoulder to see if I'm following him. I am.

"Pink is now linked with love, tenderness and innocence. All the more reason to put it on a finger that will hold it for all time" he smiles at me before taking a seat in the blush sofa.

"I hadn't noticed the pink before, it's very subtle" I look at the ring as I sit down next to the suited man. His eyes are burning into me as I wiggle my finger to see the intensity of the colour in the different lights.

"We should take a picture of it" Christian simply states as though it's not a big deal. I haven't even told my mum about this, she would freak if she saw it on the internet first before I told her.

Oh my how would Kate take it?? She would be ecstatic I'm sure but she must know that this isn't a proper proposal. And how would I keep it fro-

"Hello? Earth to Anna" Christian wakes me out of my thoughts.

"My mother." I start, not sure what I'm going to say next, "she doesn't know about this" I say looking back at my ring.

"Well then FaceTime her"


FaceTime with my mum was tedious. She asked and hounded and screamed and if she didn't have to get food made I was scared she was never going to hang up. Christian charmed her and politely answered every question that she asked no matter how annoying they were. Then when Christian left me to make coffees for the both of us, she happily told me what an attractive 'chap' he is and how if I don't walk down the isle, she will happily take my place.

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