Chapter 33: interviews

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Chapter 33: interviews

Holy fuck get me out of this fucking hall before I vom. Staring at a screen for the past few hours has caused a new stage in my hangover which feels a lot like car sickness. Speeding down the steps I approach the car, pressing the unlock button on the key fob as camera shutters sounds. I swing the door open and glance behind me, ugh they aren't even hiding well- what's the point- before sitting in the hot car and heading back to the hotel.

On the drive back I phone Kate and fill her in on everything the last few days. She says that me and Christian have been talk of the town for our antics at the bond afterparty and have even featured in the papers! Oh god no thanks.

Things with her an Elliot are really good, in the month that I have been gone he decided to take it upon himself to "keep her company" and by that he means move in. Kate says they are really trying with the relationship and that it comes so naturally she can't see it ending. She also asked me about Christian and our wedding, honestly I had no idea what to say so I made some excuse about we are going to start planning when we get back home.

Pulling up into the carpark, I hang up the phone and head for the elevator. It soon flies up to our floor and I regret not taking the stairs. Entering the apartment, Christian is standing by the kitchen area, joggers on and topless. He notices my presence and smiles at me, "how was class?".

I drop my bags and take off my - his hoodie and approach him, "fine. People kept glancing at me so I'm glad after tomorrow it's over" I exhale as I sit at the breakfast bar.

"Would you like some food? I was about to make a vegetarian paella" he asks turning back to his chopping board.

"Vegetarian?" Since when has he been vegetarian?

"We don't have any fish or meat so yes vegetarian" he answers, "do you not like people looking at you?" He responds to my earlier remark.

"I don't care but it's when they do that Judgey face. Like fuck off" I say taking my phone out of the pocket in my shorts.

"Oh right. Yes I get what you mean" he nods, as he goes to speak up my phone starts to ring.

Lifting my phone to my ear, I wait for the unknown number to speak.

"Is this Annastasia Steele?" The monotone voice requests. Great, it sounds like a cold caller.

"Whose calling?" I ask and Christian turns away from the pan to face me, I put the phone on speaker so he can hear.

"Oh it's Claire, I'm phoning to confirm your interview with James on The Late Late Show with James Corden. I'm a producer on the show. I emailed you the other day about it..." she trails off.

"Hi Claire um sorry I've been very busy at the moment and I haven't checked my emails in ages. What did it say?" I ask as Christian searches the number that called me. It's a company number. Oh my it's not a cold call!

"That's alright I know what it's like!" She giggles before continuing to say, "yes so the show, you would be the main guest. Along with Harry styles who you will play spill your guts or fill your guts with. You will also get a full interview on you, your style, Christian Grey and all things you. If you could fill out the form in your emails it will let us know of any dietary requirements that you have and also any topics that we cannot discuss".

"Wow okay, when would this be as I'm in France until Tomorrow night?" I ask curiously.

"We wont be filming till Monday and it will be all day on set" she replies.

"Perfect, I will see you then" I squeal before hanging up the phone.

"Well" Christian smiles at me, "what are you gonna wear?"

Oh no
Oh shit!

Hi guys
Sorry for the short chapter
I've been trying to write this chapter the last couple of days but I broke up with my toxic boyfriend two days ago so I'm just getting through that. Anyone have any good methods to feeling better in yourself please let me know.

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