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"So, Annastasia, what do you do for work?" Grace asked me, taking another mouthful of the amazing plate of food in front of her. Dinner had been displayed over an amazing oak table, bowels of vegetables and a gorgeous slab of meat.

Clearing my throat, "I am currently studying, but I work in a small store" I say, meeting her icy glare.

"Oh what are you studying" she placed her cutlery down and reached for her wine glass.

"I want to get into publishing, so I'm taking a course here in France" I answer with a small smile.

"And where do you live?" Christians dad spoke up, but before I could answer Christian interrupted,
"This is not an interview".

"I promise you mum and dad are not usually this formal" Mia smiled a honest smile across the table at me.

"Sorry my love, I've been at work all day!" Grace apologised, smiling at me. Her eyes remained cold.

The rest of dinner consisted of small talk, Mia getting overly excited about the wedding, Elliot was rather quiet apart from the random comment. Christians dad remained silent the whole dinner, with his eyes on his plate.

"Annastasia, will you be getting into a more established company when you have finished your studies" Christians dad addressed me.

"I would quite like to start my own business, but it all depends on timing" I answer honestly, trying to make eye contact.

"Well that wouldn't be possible for a small town girl like you" he replied placing his cutlery in the middle of his place.

"Dad" Christian growled.

"Carrick" Grace warned.

"It would take a small minded person to believe such thing" I said, glaring at the man at the end of the table, "now I'm going to excuse myself to the toilet". I say as I stand from the table.

"Anna" Christian goes to stand, with my hand on his shoulder I tell him to stay here.

Walking out of the room, I head over to the bathroom.

"Anna?" Christian gently taps on the door before pushing it slowly open. "Anna, I'm sorry, he's just like that" he said reaching for me.

"I'm not mad" I say sitting on the lid of the toilet, "it's just,"I exhale, "if he thinks that who else does" I exclaim looking at him.

"Christian am I waisting my time studying? Tell me" I say, suddenly letting the mans words get to me.

"Annastasia I know you can do anything you put your mind to" Christian stared deep into my eyes, "also desert is ready" he smiled taking my hands and taking me back into the room.

Pulling the heavy chair out I sit in between Christian and Elliot. Mia gives me a nod over the table and I smile back.

"I was out of order" Carrick said awkwardly making eye contact with me.

"Yes you were" I reply holding my gaze strong, "the display looks amazing. I want a bit of everything" I smile and Grace doesn't hesitate to stand and start cutting.

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