Chapter 5: early mornings

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Chapter 5: early mornings

It's 5:30am and I'm awake.

Eyes buzzing from flicking through images of a lost love in the dark room. A small headache is thundering softly over my temples to lure me into turning my phone off- I can't, I need him. I miss him.

It's almost a week since I threw him out of my house, my future and my heart. Although for some reason I want him back. I need to security he offered when he held me late at night, and the joyous laugher he cast over this house, and his honest smile.

I want to see his eyes. The way the blue changes to green to brown in the summers light and seem to pulsate the colours throughout his lenses. Or how, the crystal blue eyes of the man I loved, allowed me to see through the glass at the fragile, vulnerable, him- I wonder if she ever saw that?

Who am I kidding? Of course she did.

Sniffing, I whipped an escapee tear that had tumbled down my cheek.

He's a liar, a cheat, a complete douche.

But for some stupid reason I need him.

Standing from my covers, I grab my black leggings and a big hoodie- happily climbing into them. Tying the laces on my trainers, I plug in my ear phones and shut the front door. I'm not usually the 6am-morning-jog kinda person but I'm being haunted by a horrendous nightmare and I need to get out. Feet pounding the pavement, music blasting through my ears, heart screaming in my chest. I ran.

I run round blocks, up streets, down alleyways, over fields until taking seat at the park. Climbing onto one of the tables I perch onto the top with my feet on the seat and remove my head phones. The faint tingle of my music could be heard, but as far as I'm aware no one else is here.

Releasing a deep breath I hadn't realised I had been holding, my eyes scan the recreation ground. The early morning glow had started to transcend over the few trees ahead of me and dusted the tops of the children play park on the opposite side. The trees were slowly waking with the sound of bird call and the flowers buzzed to life with insects.

"Hey" the familiar voice startled me as I stood from the bench abruptly. Frantically turning I met eyes with the smirk that could only belong to one man. Christian.

"If I knew any better I'd think you were stalking me" I tried to hide my shock as a sat back on top of the bench, half annoyed with his interruption of my quiet thinking time.

He chuckled and sat down along side me, following my gaze out onto the tall trees ahead, before clearing his throat.

"So I didn't see you as the type to wake up early and go for a jog" he stated, scratching the back of his head briefly before stammering out a sentence along the lines of "not that your fat".

"How come?" I turned to face him but his gaze remained heavy on the view in front of him.

"Well something about the way you welcomed me into your house yesterday suggested that you liked your sleep" he replied matter of factly.

"Maybe I couldn't sleep"

"Why's that?"

"Doesn't matter" I replied almost too quickly and sharply distracted myself with a loose plant that I had started to pluck.

"Right" he nodded.

"What do you do? Like your job- what is it?" I questioned suddenly intrigued into what he could possibly do during the day.

"I'm a business man, work in a tall building, have meetings- nothing interesting" he shrugged.

"It's interesting to me" I looked out of the corner of my eye at him, before clearing my throat and looking away. "I work in a hardware store so anything is interesting to me" I shrugged.

"Oh I see" he chuckled. "I'm a CEO of my own business. We develop new products that are eco friendly, like solar panels. It's doing well" he nodded to himself.

"How many companies do you sell to?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"We sell world wide" he said as if it was nothing.

"Damn" I nodded to myself.

"What's the hardware store like" he turned to face me, a small smile in his eyes.

"We sell screws" I stated blandly at which he released a rather loud laugh. "I want to get into publishing but I need more money and-"

"I can pay. What do you need? Training? University?-"

"I'm not letting you pay for my classes. Nope" I cut in.

"Why not?"


"Come on"


"Why not?" He shrugged.

"Because you worked hard for that money and I feel bad taking it from you. Plus I barely know you" I added.

"Well get to know me then"

Sorry for being so MIA atm I promised you I would start writing again and I will soon. GCSEs are over in two weeks and then we have prom and then secondary school is over meaning more time to write and publish on Wattpad.

The past month has been hard and I've really missed writing but I have so many new ideas and plans for the upcoming chapters.

Good news:
"Billionaire Business deal" with have a a sequel- yeahhh boissss that's right. Your getting another book to continue on from it!!!! Wooooo

So obviously I will tell you more but all in good time my friends.

In the meantime don't be afraid to message me or comment ideas for the book. I love responding to you all so don't be afraid to contact me!


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