CHAPTER 28: Gala

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Chapter 28: Gala

The cafe that Christian and I picked happily gave us the WiFi password, it may have been the glare Christian gave them when they hesitated to answer. Since entering the small cafe, He has been in the worst mood. Huffing, crossing his arms, running his hands through his hair, pacing in front of our small table. He's acting like a child.

He seamed unimpressed when I put my headphones on and started taking notes from Professor Coutures feedback. I'm not sure what's got him wound up, but if it's still about the heating then I will be surprised.

It has been over 2 hours since he called and Christian, like me, is a time management freak.

*tap tap*

Christian tapping on my headphones break my gaze from the laptop, placing the headphones on my shoulder I listen to what she's going to say.

"He hasn't called" he says looking out the window frantically.

"I know" I reply watching him, "how about you call reception and see if he's contacted them" I suggest and he nods taking out his phone. Walking outside.

I watch him through the glass. The arch de triumph stands proudly behind him as he waves his hands in frustration. Closing my laptop, I slide it into the bag along with the rest of my stuff. He's mad.

Thanking the restaurant staff I walk out and stand next to him.

"What did we ask you to do?" He says sternly, "exactly and what didn't you do" he's abandoned the French all together and it going for the poor woman in such tone that I'm sure she will cry.

Hanging up he turns to me.
"He's there. Now" he says walking to the end of the road before taking my hand and crossing the street.

"Why didn't she call?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I forgot" he mimics in a high pitched french accent, "bullshit" he spits.

"Oh" is all I say knowing that I don't want to get my head bitten off by Christian when he's in the mood.

Soon enough we arrive at the hotel and the small lady behind the desk instantly starts apologising, Christian doesn't even look at her before pressing the button on the lift and then running up the stairs.

The lift doors open in front of me as he reaches the top of the first flight. Climbing in, I press our floor number and am zapped to the top. Stepping out I meet Christian in the corridor and he matches to the door. I quickly unlock it and push it open for him.

"Bonjour?" Christian calls out and a small reply is heard draper in the apartment.

I take the laptops and sit on the sofa, not wanting to get involved.

Christian has told me a story from his childhood, a few years after being adopted. The family where on holiday and a cleaner had entered their suite. She said that they don't have to stay while she cleans, in fact it's quicker with the people out, so they left her alone. When they got back their belongings had been taken, any money that had been left behind were gone, and all that was left was a few items of clothing that had no value. He blames the cleaning lady, whether she took their stuff or let someone else into the room.

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