Chapter 36: Heaven is a place on earth

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Chapter 36: Heaven is a place on Earth

"Ladies and gentlemen, the number one trending woman on twitter, it's miss Annastasia Steele" the small man in Black pushes me out from the stage left and I attempt to strut confidently over to James.

Blinding lights focus on me as the cheers from the audience grow with each step toward the plush blue chairs. I give the audience a wave and a smile in the hopes to hide the explosion of nerves happening inside of me.

Sitting on the chair James shushes the audience before turning to me, "wow what an introduction, it's lovely to meet you Anna- can I call you Anna?" He says with a genuine smile.

"Of course call me whatever you would like" I shrug and lean into the chair, slighting angling myself to face the legend which is James Corden.

"Well Anna," he starts, "where to begin", he pauses tapping his cards on his desk, "well your engaged for a start that's crazy, show us the ring" he bounces on his chair with enthusiasm as the crowd tile up again as I hold my hand out to the camera.

"Oh thank god I got a manicure otherwise that could have been tragic" I say as the audience dies down.

"So tell me a bit about yourself, how does this small town chick turn into this amazingly beautiful woman whose engaged to a billionaire" James leans on his desk slightly in anticipation for my answer.

"Well I'm from a very small town, where I lived with my mum before I moved over here with my best friend. She is actually dating Christians brother which is how the two of us met!" I keep eye contact with James mainly for the fear of the audiences eyes on me.

"Oh really" his eyebrows rise to this news.

"Yeah and so after bumping into each other a lot we ended up going on a few dates and then skip to now where we are engaged and it's just..." oh shit, I should have left it at engaged. Errrrr, "honestly amazing. To be this close with someone that you not only see each other as partners but as teachers. This experience has shown me so much not only about Christian but myself and it's amazing to finally find home in a person, you know" I say suddenly embarrassed with the amount of shit I just splurged out of my mouth. Oh my god is my brain even turned on today.

The audience aweee and James pulls puppy eyes in my direction before picking up his cards again.

"Ok Anna, I have a few questions for you," James says and I nod at him, "right first question, if you could be any creature what would you be?" He asks as the audience ooo.

I swear this is more dramatic than the pantomime.

"A bird. So I can shit on people- oh my! Can I swear?" I quickly cover my mouth as James chuckles beside me, "I'm so sorry" I say giggling slightly.

"We try to keep swearing to a minimum" James continued to chuckle, "number two, what's your favourite colour?".

"Red" I answer way too quickly.

"Okayyyyy and third and final question. What came first, the chicken or the egg?" James puts his cards down and examines me.

"The sperm" I shrug.

After a few questions about my clothing style, James brings the conversation round to the night of the bond premiere.

"So Annastasia Steele, how was the bond premiere?" He asks with a cheeky grin.

"Oh god!" I put my head into my hands, why didn't I read the articles about me and Christian and that night! "I won't lie, anything past the movie I don't remember" I say slowly lifting my head out of my sweaty palms.

"Oh you don't say. Would that explain this video" James points to a screen behind me and I turn to look at it.

It plays a video of Christian and I on the karaoke machine signing heaven is a place on Earth, his arm is around my waist and we both scream the lyrics into the sea of celebrities. The video finally ends after a painful 15 seconds and I can't help but cringe in my seat.

"Oh my god" I say with wide eyes and the audience laugh along with me, "who is she? I wanna be friends with them" I turn to face James, feeling more comfortable with the audiences eyes on me than I did before.

"Well Anna...." he looks into the audience before glancing at me, "there's more" James points back up to the screen.

This clip is of Christian and I crumping (I think the moves called) to Britney Spears and I can't lie, I have never felt more embarrassed by myself before.

"Oh no!" I say as the clip stops and instantly another comes onto the screen of us dancing to dirty dancing.

"You guys are so cute" James says as he gets up pictures of Christian taking off my shoes as I stand on his jacket.

"He is such a gentleman" I say turning back to the audience.

We chat a discuss the pictures a bit more before we roll to break and are given a 15 minute break. James stands from his desk and walks with me backstage to where Harry is waiting.

"Was that your first tv appearance?" James asks me while holding a door open for me.

"Yes it is. I've obviously done a red carpet but this is so different to that" I thank him as I enter the room where harry sits with his oddly coloured mocktail.

"Anna you did great out there, your a natural" he says passing a glass of his odd concoction to me.

"Thank you. I believe we are playing some game together next which I'm both excited and terrified for" I say taking a sip from my drink.

"Oh I'm terrified cause it's spill your guts or fill your guts" Harry keeps his eye on the screen on the wall.

Oh shit I forgot about that.

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