Chapter 32: "did we..."

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Chapter 32: "did we..."

The morning sun splays across the hard floor and trickles onto the end of the bed. Thick white sheets hold me heavy as my alarm sounds next to me, silencing it, a groan escapes from next to me and I can't help but freeze.

Oh no... no no no no. We didn't! Did we?

Glancing down at myself under the covers and - oh shit. Lifting up the duvet to reveal my downstairs, I- oh fuck fuck. Looking over my shoulder, Christian lies on his front exposing his bare back to me. He's breathing heavily so I'm assuming he's still asleep.

Reaching off the side of the bed to the stack of blankets, I grab a soft one off the top and wrap my body in it. Grabbing my phone off the stand, along with the glass of water, I head towards the bathroom.

Emptying the water from the glass down the sink, I refill it again and take a sip of the cold water. It soothes my pounding head slightly and I stare at myself in my reflection. The large mirror that sits above the large sink shows my mess of a face back at me and oh my what a state. Last nights makeup is smudged across my face and I'm glad that I'm not a fan of heavy makeup otherwise this would have been even harder to fix. Grabbing my cleanser and cotton cloth, gently removing last nights makeup.

Turning the shower on I step under the hot water, I've already sent kate thousands of texts asking her to call me when she can. The hot water feels good on my back and I find myself closing my eyes, enjoying the back massage it was providing me before my phone starts to ring. Wrapping my body into the robe that was hanging on the back of the door, I press my phone to my ear.

"Anna tell me everything." Kate says immediately as i sit on the loo.

"Oh god" I exhale, my other hand rubbing my temples, "I don't even remember, I just remember it definitely being more than a kiss".

"Is he awake? Have you too spoken?" Kate hounds clearly sounding eager.

"When I left him he was still in bed" I reply, oh my god I need to eat something soon or this is all coming up.

"You gonna talk to him about it?" She asks, her voice calmer now.

"I guess I have to. It will be awkward otherwise" I exhale, the light coming into this room is too bright. Me and Kate finish our call and I pour the rest of my water into the sink. Stepping out of the bathroom I go back into the room, to meet Christian sitting upright on the bed.

"How you feeling?" I ask him, my voice coming out raspier than intended. I plod over to the wardrobe and state at the options.

"Shit. I haven't drank that much in a while" he rubs his head and grabs his glass from last night, gulping down the last of the now warm water.

"Same here" I say pulling out a pair of grey bike shorts and a sports bra, rummaging through all my clothes for a larger jumper.

"Did we...err" I glance over my shoulder at him and I can't help but admire his morning beauty, "you know... do it" I say breaking the eye contact.

"From what I remember, yes" he says also looking away.

Oh my.

"Do you want to get McDonald's?" I ask to break the awkwardness that's fallen over us. He nods and lies back into the bed, pulling his pillow over his head. He yells. I can't help but giggle at the dramatic action, turning on my heel I grab the joggers and climb into the keeping the robe around my body still.

Christian still has his head buried under the pillow and I used this opportunity to climb into the sports bra.

"You don't know if they bought me an oversized jumper do you" I ask Christian, turning to rummage in the wardrobe again.

"I'm not sure. Take one of mine if you want" he sits up rubbing his eyes, "as your going into my room, can you grab me some boxes please" he adds.

I nod and head into his room. He has a pile of boxers folder on his desk so I grab a black pair off the top and shove it under my arm whilst I approach his wardrobe. Opening the door I see the first hoodie and grab it off the hook, it's black and looks as though it's gonna reach just above the end of my shorts. Putting it on I head back into my room.

"Oh my god. Christian just make up your mind" I groan, putting my head onto the steering wheel. It's almost time for my class and as the second to last day here I really don't want to be late. We have been sitting at this drive through for ages now and I'm getting impatient at Christian.

Finally he makes his selection and we drive to the next window. Collecting our order, I pull my sunglasses back over my eyes and head towards the exit and back onto the road. Christian slumps down in the seat, helping himself to the chips in the bag. I drive towards the hotel.

We sit in the carpark and eat our macdonalds before I kick him out and head towards my class. Kate has been sending me headlines from newspapers all morning about me and Christian last night and I cant bare to look at them yet. Pulling into the campus carpark, I step out of the high car and lug my bag behind me.

I ended up tying my hair into a messy bun ontop of my hair and a pair of sunglasses over my eyes to finish the look.

I can hear a few shutters not too far from me but I don't care- I feel like shit. I won't lie the food has helped but ugh I need to sit down.

Stepping into the large hall, I push my glasses back up onto my head and head towards my seat. A few people notice me and whisper but I do not care.

Taking my seat, I open my laptop, taking a huge swig of my coffee as my professor announces the topic for this essay.

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