CHAPTER 24: Paris mornings

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CHAPTER 24: Paris mornings

I hear a buzzing. An annoying buzzing. Rolling onto my back I lift myself up onto my elbows to survey the room, still in France. Exhaling I drop back onto the bed and stop my phone from buzzing, pressing the button on the side of the bed side table, the electronic blinds start drawing and soon the early morning sun crawls into the room.

It's 7 am and I need to leave here at 9am to get to class on time, dropping my phone back onto the bed I stretch making a little noise as I do so.

Swinging my legs onto the soft rug next to the bed I stand up. Today, I will go on a run.

Madness I know, but before I have a chance to change my mind I must get changed.

Pulling open the bottom draw of the dresser I grab a pair of leggings, a sports bra and a jumper. Clambering into the sports bra, I grab my ear buds and head for the kitchen. Walking towards the blender I chuck some banana and strawberries in before adding almond milk and mixing.

Turning around I notice Christians presence.
"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" I unplug my earphones to allow him to answer.

"No I just didn't expect you to be up" he says approaching me, "what are you making?" He leans on the counter next to me as I wait for my fruit to be blended.

"Banana and strawberry smoothie" I smile at him, "there will be enough for you if you wanted it" I turn off the blender and grab some glasses.

"I will thank you" he says and I pour the mixture into two cups. I drink mine way too quickly and a large burp escapes my mouth.

"Oh sorry" I giggle, "that was louder than I thought it would be!".

"I like a girl with a pair of lungs on her" he chuckles. I take the opportunity to take in his appearance, he's in a pair of grey sweats and a black vest top, black hoodie in hands.

"You're going for a run?" I ask, rinsing my glass before putting it into the dishwasher.

"I am. Are you joining me today?" He looks at my outfit and I nod, "perfect let's get breakfast at the park then" he nods putting on his trainers.

Following Christian out of the door of the apartment building, we stretched in the lift on the way down so as soon as the door opens, music goes on and feet hit the pavement. The crisp air of the morning fills my lungs and I smile at the quiet city. Unlike Paris in the day, the morning is calm and quiet, no tourists queuing for the classic sites, no lines of traffic polluting the view.

Christian taps my shoulder and mouths 'stop', slowing my pace I do as he says, removing one of my ear buds I go to talk, "it's so quiet this morning" I say up at him.

"I love Paris in the mornings" he smiles at me, "let's get breakfast" he points to a small cafe across the street and takes my hand in his.

It's a small gesture, but I can't help but notice my heart flutter when he takes my hand in his. I hear a few camera shutters snapping and I look up to Christian.

"They've found us" he whispers making me laugh, walking into the cafe we order loads of pastries- too many for two people. Taking the cardboard box full of food back to the apartment I'm soon back in my room getting ready for my class.

Opening the wardrobe, I examine the outfits that are hanging up. Settling with my dark green straight legged trousers and a black sleeveless bodysuit, with my nude heels.

Stepping into the living space, I meet Christian.

"I thought I would drop you to your class as I am passing" Christian offers grabbing his keys from the side. He's back in his usual suit, clean shaven and hair styled.

"Why thank you, we could grab lunch after" I suggest and his face lights up.

"Yes that sounds great. I have a meeting until 12 so I will wait for you outside" he smiles and grabs his keys off the counter.

Hopping into the car we drive through the city until we reach my class. Pulling over into the drop off bay, I climb out the tall car as he puts my window down.

"I will pick you up here at 12" he smiles at me and I crouch down to peer into the car.

"Sounds perfect, I will be out not long after that" I answer.

He has an eyelash on his cheek and I can't help but reach my arm into the car and brush it off his face.

"I... err" I don't know why I did that, "I'm sorry" I stutter.

"It's okay" he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles, "you look beautiful today, go have a fun lesson" he says letter go of my hand.

"Thank you, see you later" I smile stepping away from the car allowing him to drive off before I turn and head into the large building.

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