Chapter 37: pasta

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Chapter 37: pasta

"How was it?" Christian says outstretching his hand to pull me under the black umbrella he was holding. I take it happily and lace my fingers through mine. The day at the studio with James and Harry has really drained me and all I'm thinking off is a big nap.

The game of spill your guts or fill your guts ended up with me eating a bulls penis, a fishes eye and drinking a frogs-born smoothie. All equally made me want to vom and I seriously need to bleach my mouth out before having my nap.

"Really fun. I'm so tired now" I reply whilst walking towards the car under his umbrella. "How was your meeting?" I look up to him and he pulls me out of the way of a puddle which I almost stepped in.

"Ehh yeah it was alright. The company we are trying to seal a deal with aren't budging on their rates so we are gonna reassess in the morning and decide if we really want to work with them" he answers in a monotone voice, eyebrows furrowed, eyes locked on the car ahead. Well someone's annoyed. "What do you want to eat for dinner, I can't be bothered to cook tonight" he says stopping by his car before throwing the umbrella in the boot and joining me in the car.

"I could make some pasta after my nap if you would like" pulling off my heels I tuck my feet onto the seat and lean against the window, might as well sleep on the way home.

"That sounds perfect." The engine starts up and soon I'm drifting off to sleep.

"Anna? We are home?" Christian slowly shakes my shoulder but my eyes fail to open, I just need five minutes more of sleep and- oh!

I'm being carried.

I nuzzle closer to his neck as the cold wet wind blows against my body, he obviously doesn't have his umbrella up. Well now what? Shall I just pretend to be properly asleep?

Since being brought into the cold outside my body has woken me but I do enjoy being carried like this.

The door finally opens after Christian struggles with his keys and soon I'm placed softly onto the sofa, a blanket draping over my shoulders.

I lie in the warm spot for a little longer before sitting upright. I squint and look around the room. Christian is on the table in the dinning room and doesn't notice me sitting upright on the sofa through the large walkway between the two rooms. He's looking at his laptop with paper scattered all over the desk, eyebrows furrowed.

Lifting my phone to check the time I see it's 7pm. He must be so hungry.

"Hi" I say in a small voice, loud enough for him to hear.

"Hey" he responds, not breaking his stare from the screen. Unraveling myself from the blanket I stand with a stretch.

Pasta time.

Wrapping the blanket over my shoulders, I trudge to the kitchen. Adding a pitch of salt to my water along with some pasta I go about making the sauce.

Taking a two bowls of pasta into the dining room, placing one next to Christian and mine opposite, I sit.

"I made you tomato pasta" I tell him when he doesn't respond.

No response.

"Christian" i say louder this time. He looks up. "I said I made you tomato pasta" I repeat myself.

"Oh. I'm not hungry. I need to get this done" he says fixing his eyes back onto the laptop.

"Okay well eat some of it, you will focus better on a full stomach" I tell him, dropping my fork into my bowl. I made it for him, the least he could do would be to say thank you.

"Leave it Anna, I said I'm not hungry" he growls, eyes low. No I won't leave it. I'm annoyed now.

"That's fine but I expect some common curtesy and say thank you" I pick up my fork and go to take a bite.

"ANNA I SAID FUCKING LEAVE IT!" Christian stands and with one movement shoves the bowl off the table and onto the hard floor, shattering it from impact.

He's panting now, snarling at me. Strong arms are straight on the table, hands in fists, knuckles bleached white. His empty eyes stare into mine and make me itch with a uncomfortable pain.

Christian doesn't soften his composure when he sees me scared.

Christian doesn't follow me as I take my food and scurry out of the room.

Christian doesn't care.

Slamming the spare rooms door shut, I lock it and instantly call Kate. She answers quickly and I instantly tell her everything that's happened this evening. I'm mad and scared of him.

"He's playing you like a puppet. Don't you see it Anna" Elliot speaks up in the background and Kate turns the phone on him, "he's using you for free press, to get the business from dad, to make him seem like he has a social life, he is using you to be his public image".

Oh my- Elliot is right.

Wow and to think I'm actually maybe catching feelings.

"Fuck your right. I'm coming home tomorrow so whatever you have turned my room into, turn it back" I tell them and they laugh.

We shortly end the call and I turn on the tv, before making myself comfortable on the bed.

Tap tap tap!
"Annastasia" Christian whispers against the door.

I stay quiet, hoping he will think I've fallen asleep with the tv on.

A few moments of quiet later and the light in the hallway turns off, followed by another door shutting. His door.

Exhaling, I lean into the bed more.

I gotta get out of here.


I know this chapter is a lil shorter than the others but I just need a lil filler chapter. It's about to get juicy guys!!

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