Chapter 41: new beginnings

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Chapter 41: new beginnings

It's been a month since I saw her last. Since my healing heart had been tainted by her once again.

The urge to drive over there and tell her that those months we spent together were the best few months of my life. To tell her that, everything I said to her, did to her, wasn't for the deal but for her.

My skin itches knowing she's close, a 9 minute drive from my home to hers.

I see she has a new job at Vance, I'm proud of her, the snobs in that building don't deserve her kind sole. My morning jogs sometimes take me down past the office block, just to see her car- just to feel close.

The few months without her have been hard, Ive realised what I had and took for granted. I should never have flipped out like that and scared her, she only ever wanted the best for me.

"Christian" my mother's sharp voice awakes me from my thoughts. Looking up at her she continues, "come on your making us late for the wedding. Just tie your other shoe and meet us in the car" she orders before leaving me in the hall.

Great a wedding, that's just where I want to be right now.

Climbing into the car, I straighten up my jacket at look over at Elliot who is sitting the other side of Mia.

"I don't want to break up a conversation about you know who so don't start Christian" Mia warns and I sit back against the cool leather.

It's my cousins wedding. Jess and Clive, two of the worlds most boring people are having a small family wedding. Vom.

We pull up to the registry office, the grim building they decided they would wed in, climbing out of the car I turn and help Mia out in her tall heel.

Heading inside, I'm quick to take a seat in the hopes that everyone will follow and it will be over quicker. Mum and dad stand up and chat to the couple behind them but I can't be bothered to be polite. I want this to be over.

Finally the cd starts to play the tinny song and the doors open to reveal Jess and her bridesmaids. Jess looks nice, basic. A ball gown like dress hangs from her shoulders as she plods up the isle. Mia released a little 'oh' as she sees the dress and honestly I thought more than oh. Clive's crying. The guy who is to wed them looks dead. I want to leave.

I sit on my phone the whole wedding, texting back and fourth with the design team to see the new prototyped shipment boxes.

By the time we arrive to the reception, I am bored beyond belief, it's like a kiddy party. Crappy napkins that look like they were bought from Poundland, table and seat covers that look like they could go up in flames in seconds. Randomly coloured balloons tied to everyone's seats and small bits of shiny confetti on the floor. Mums thinking it too, she's sitting on her cardigan as she hates the feel of synthetic materials.

"When do they serve food" I lean over to dad, needing some sort of distraction from this crap whole.

"After the speeches" he replies as someone taps their spoon to their glass. Speeches! Oh god no.

"Hi everyone, As you know I am Clive, the groom" he pauses to let people laugh. Kill me now. "I cannot believe that today has finally arrived. After meeting you 3 years ago, I knew from the start that it would always be you. When we started dating, god, I couldn't understand why you wanted me, but hell I wasn't gonna let you go. I wanted to spend every second with you, every minute away from you made me long you more. Jess you are beautiful. You never cease to amaze me when you open the jam jar by yourself or soak the house in water cause you dropped the hose in the house!" The audience giggle, "I am so utterly in love with you and I'm so happy we are now forever together".

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