Chapter 45: save the date

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Chapter 45: save the date

'Dear Guest,

You have been invited to witness the marriage of Annastasia Steele and Christian Grey.

They are to wed on the 13th of August at 2pm at the Babington Stately Home.

We hope this letter find you well.
Annastasia and Christian'

"Oh how fancy" Kate reveals the invitation to Elliot before clasping it to her fridge with a magnet. The delegate card stands out amongst the other scrappy bits of paper and Kate can't help but make a mental note to clear them from view and stash them into a drawer.

"Isn't it a bit late to send out invites?" Elliot opens the cupboard reaching in and grabbing a two glasses before filling them with orange juice, "considering the weddings in 3 days" he adds.

"Well I guess" Kate exhales before accepting a glass from Elliot, "but everyone whose invited is already away of the wedding being so fast paced so I doubt it matters too much." She sits at the table, gazing out at the small garden.

"Do you wish to be married some day?" Elliot asks nervously, almost scared of her response.

"Marriage was a topic that I always thought was a silly prospect." Kate replies before meeting eyes with Elliot, "however recently my view on it has changed. I would like to get married but I have no urgency for it".

Elliot exhales, looking physically relieved, "I agree. I understand if you wish to marry to have children but I believe that you can have kids without being tied to each other".

"Do you want kids?" Kate looks up from her glass and across the table at Elliot with hopeful eyes.

"I do" he nods and she smiles back, a form of non verbal communication between the two allows the peaceful silence to ripple through the house.


"You have got to be joking with me Christian!" I practically shout from the other sofa as he grins at me like a small child.

"In your dreams" he replies leaning back into the sofa, clearly finding amusement in my upset.

"You did not tell the wedding venue that we wanted green decorations. Not that green at least!" I'm pleading now, silently praying that the glowing but of green fabric on the coffee table is part of a wind up.

Christian continues to tease me and I continue to try and threaten him into admitting what he's done. However it only results in him laughing at me after I threatened to burn his suits if he was being honest.

"Would you actually burn my suits?!" He said between laughing, hes now hunched over, his hand squeezing at the side of his stomach.

"If you told them green then yes I will!" I respond starting to realise that he was just getting a rise out of me for fun. "I hate you" I add whilst shaking my head. "What colour did you ask for?" I say trying to confirm weather I needed to call babington house or not.

"I told you! Green" he set himself off again, laughing as though he thought himself to be the funniest man alive.

"Okay well I'm going food shopping, message me if I need to change the colour scheme or not" I say standing and heading over to the coat rack, the weather had turned sour over the last few hours and the once scorching heat has turned into a rather upsetting down pour.

Picking my blush coloured coat and an umbrella, I grab my car keys and my bag and head out of the door and to the shops.

The shop itself was quiet but Christians constant messages were driving me insane, putting my phone on silent I continue to push the trolly up and down each isle.

Once arriving at the checkout I couldn't help but be distracted by the small crowd gathering outside the exit, "apparently someone famous is shopping, I wonder who!" The cashier told me as she continued to scan my items.

Carrying my bags out of the shop, the crowd start to shout my name and follow after me.

I try to hurry to the car faster but obviously my bag split letting my fresh fruit roll into the muddy road. Fuck sake, I thought.

Crouching down I try to gather up all of my stuff, an outstretched hand offers me 3 oranges that they had collected and I gladly take it from them with a polite thank you. As soon as the oranges are removed from their hand they jab a camera in my face and a mic beneath my nose shouting, "what's it like to be engaged to Christian, the most eligible and handsome bachelor of our time?" She asks.

Regaining my composure, I respond, "you can call him Mr Grey" and with that I turn back to my other bags and climb into my car.

I'm not even that famous, I'm sure they could find someone else to harass!

On arrival to my house, the same paparazzi that were outside the store now loiter on my drive, blocking my entrance to my property.

Swinging into my drive, I slam my hand onto the horn and hold it there as long as the car can hold its note. At first they don't move but when I start to roll forward in my car, continuing to beep, they disperse out of the way.

As I pull my hand break up, Christian exits the property telling the crowd that they are on private land and that they're trespassing. They don't seam to mind and continue to hound us with questions as we take our shopping in.

Slamming the door shut we both exhale, "fuck them. Did you get any pizza rolls?" Christian asks peering into the bags.

"How about you unpack them and I go and start a film" I tell him as I walk away from the door and into the living room.

To Christians dismay I didn't buy pizza rolls and he makes a note for them to be available at the wedding, which the catering company soon rejected as they only make 'proper food'.

Soon his mood is lifted.
"Christian? I think the baby is kicking!" I place my hand on the right hand side of my belly and sure enough a small kick can be felt through my hand.

Christian scurries from the kitchen and presses onto my stomach, sure enough the baby pushes him back.

The reaction on Christians face is priceless as he extends his hand to cup my cheek, "I love you".

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