CHAPTER 27: Early Starts

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Chapter 27: Early Starts

The drive to the office was fast, the car is pulls into the drop off bay and Christian opens his door before the car had stopped and hops out. Running round to my side he helps me out of the tall vehicle, his hand letting go of mine as soon as my feet hit the floor and going to the small of my back.

I'm guided into the tall glass building by Christian and soon I'm stepping into the glass elevator. Christian taps the button on the wall to take us to floor 4, and it illuminates.

"So my team are American, and they come up with some dumb ideas some times, your more than welcome to contribute to the discussion" Christian informs me, checking is watch and tapping his foot. He's not wearing a tie today and he's allowed the top button of his shirt to open, revealing his collarbone lightly.

*floor 4*

"This way" Christian takes a right out of the elevators and I follow him through the grey corridors, swinging open a large black door with the word 'meeting room' on. Christian steps in and hold the door open for me.

"Everyone this is Annastasia, Annastasia meet everyone" Christian says to the small team of 4. Two women and two men sit at the table and smile at me as I take a seat next to Christian.

"So, what's the urgent break through" Christian asks them and they start to gather sheets or designs and writing in their hands.

After a long discussion about the packaging of products I get the urge to speak up. Christian did say that I could get involved and right now he looks like one of the team are going to be thrown out of the large windows lining one wall.

"No Sarah, you aren't thinking about costs. That's too expensive" Christian says bluntly and stands from his chair making his way to the window, fingers pressing hard on his eyebrows.

reaching over the table I grab a few sheets and think about what I could come up with. Clearing my throat I speak up, "so your products are sustainable?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the sheets in front of me.

"Yes" one of the men speak up, I can feel Christians eyes on me from the other side of the room.

"So shouldn't your packaging also be sustainable?" I say allowing someone to continue what I'm saying, they don't. "Okay. Errr. You could use recycled cardboard to create your boxes and print the shipping address straight into the box, this way your aren't printing a label and wasting more money and paper" I continue.

The team sit deep in thought for a moment before Christian speaks up, "I like it" he says approaching the table.

The rest of the meeting is spent with the design team sketching the boxes and the nets to make them, working out where to source the cardboard and much more. I sit it silence, adding to the chat every now and then, not sure where my opinion is valid and where it isn't.

As quick as it started the meeting is over and soon me and Christian and climbing back into the tall car to take us back to the apartment.

"We need someone to look at the boiler cause we have no heat" I look over at Christian who is gazing out the window, the Paris traffic has started to pick up as it's nearing midday.

"I agree, we can speak to the front desk and see when we can get one" he replied looking over at me. He takes my hand, looking at the heaving ring on my finger.

"Thank you for contributing today, I fear the others wouldn't have said any useful points if you hadn't been there" he smiles at me and I smile back in return. Squeezing my hand slightly, he drops it back onto the black leather seat and looks out of the window.


"No. For the LAST time. We haven't had heat at all. Changing the temperature on the thermostat does nothing" Christian bashes his fist onto the top of the desk, scarily the small woman behind it. She pushes her glasses up her nose and stutters whilst thinking of something to say.

"Is there anyway you could recommend someone to look at our heating?" I push Christian away from the desk and step in front of him. She examines my face before quietly replying,

"Err yes I can call them and send them to your apartment. Any charges can be added to your tab as they work here" she says quickly.

"Thank you." I exhale, I look at Christian and he widens his eyes in frustration and then looks over my shoulder, "now please" I say not even looking at her.

Hearing the clicking of the keyboard and mouse, I sit on the chairs in the reception of the hotel. The chair is hard and I'm soon regretting sitting down on it.

"Ermm.. he said he could get here in two hours" she says quietly, her French accent extremely thick this time.

"2 hours!" Christian yells. He's pacing now, I'm not sure why this is pissing him off so much but I need to find a way to calm down.

"Christian it's okay, let's go get the laptops and we can do some work at a cafe or library or something" I suggest, my tone calm with any hope this will ease him. He stops pacing and looks at me, examining my face. "Would it be alright if you could call one of us when he is here so that we can explain the problem to him" I ask the small woman at the desk whose eyes are fixed on Christian.

She nods and takes the record of my number down before Christian warns her about letting him in the room without one of us here.

Darting upstairs we grab the laptops and memory sticks along with my book before making our way out of the tall building.

Authors note:::
Hi guys
I'm back
I've been ill with some odd bug the last few days so I have been trying to avoid being on my phone as much as possible. I'm feeling much better now and ready to keep writing!

Billionaire business dealजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें