CHAPTER 30: Bond girl

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Chapter 30: Bond girl

"There my award winning publisher fiancé" Christian calls out the window as I approach his car. I totally flunked that whole article and now the professor will fail me because of my shitty writing. The fact the theme was commitment threw me off and what I was writing felt laboured, it wasn't coming from the heart.

"Hey" I say as I throw myself into the car, grabbing the sunglasses in my bag I put them on and stare out of the window.

"Hey Anna?" Christian asks, his radio low and his voice soft.

"Yeah" I saw quietly, all my effort has been drained and I just wanna go home and sleep.

"You know it's not that sunny and it's kinda raining" he says trying to lift the mood.

"Funny" I say pulling the glasses off my head and throwing them back into my bag. Resting my head onto the window, the cool glass relaxes me and I close my eyes. I know I'm over thinking but I don't want this to be a waste of time. The class has been getting smaller as we reach the end of this quick degree and I can't help but feel I'm next.

Christian leans back into his chair and adjusts the volume on the radio so it's louder than the small hum it was earlier. He takes my hand in his and squeezes before letting go and fixing his gaze on the road ahead. I need so much more than a small hand hold right now, I want to be embraced like a small child whose injured and guarded by arms that hold me tight until I feel brave enough to fight my battles again.

Maybe Christians dad was right. Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

The engine cuts off and Christian turns to face me,
"Hey, we were invited to a movie premier tonight but I understand if you don't want to go" he says softly, his eyes looking deep into mine.

I think for a moment, he's right I don't want to go. What would Kate say? She would tell me to go clean my ass up. But I don't have a makeup artist, or someone to do my hair! I can't go next to all these other beautiful women and I will be there looking like.... me.

"What movie?" I ask hoping to cast my final decision.

"No time to die. The new James Bond movie" he informs me not breaking eye contact.

"Dress code?" I ask really hoping it's something too extravagant for my taste.

"Classic" he replies quickly.

"And what does that entail?" I'm intrigued now.

"All that matters is; are you gonna be my Bond girl?" He asks with a cheeky grin.

"Yes" I reply without even thinking. Goddam his dimples.


"Anna are you nearly ready? I want to get mcdonalds before we get there" Christian whines from the living room.

I don't reply. I stand, staring at myself in the mirror. My hair is curled and falls in smooths ripples that cascade down my head and pool onto my shoulders and back. A red silky satin slip dress hangs delicately from my shoulders, it's thin straps complement the cowl neck and floor length finish. My usual make up seams brighter more elegant today as though I have done something different.

Stepping into my silver heels, I grab my clutch and ring before grabbing a necklace from the side. Taking one last glance into the mirror I nod and head into the room with Christian.

"Hey would you mind putting this necklace on me?" I ask as I approach him. He seams to take some time before saying yes and standing behind me. I lift my hair and he fastens the necklace before stepping in front of me.

"You look... breathtakingly beautiful Annastasia" he says looking flustered. His hair is styled and he's wearing a dark grey suit- a change- and a dickie bow.

"Thank you, as do you" I say before walking towards the door with him.

The car ride was filled with small talk and me asking way too many questions about how an event works and why he gets invited to them. He explained that his mother used to model while she was training and so she's always on the invite list.

We got macdonalds which was great because I was starving and I don't know how I would have got through the whole movie without something in my system.

The car slows and I glance out of the window, the red carpet is wide and lined with fans.
"So we have 10 minutes to make our way to the back and then we have a very small slot where we stand in front of the news reporters and get our photos taken, okay?" Christian tells me, his hand on the handle for the door.

" Okay" I nod and with that the car stops and Christian is quick to open the door, reaching his hand inside for me. I grab it and slide over the leather seat, climbing carefully out of the car.

Screams erupt and Christian quickly intertwines our hands, pulling me to start walking up the large carpet. Phones and posters are held high in the air hoping to get us much attention as possible. A few girls shout Christian and he waves to them, giving them a small smile.

A girl... or maybe two call my name and I look and smile, shock clearly evident on my face as Christian leans in and says,
"Your not that invisible. When was the last time you checked your social media's?" He asks me with a smirk.

"Err like before I met you. I'm not very good with phones" I say as he pulls me to a railing.

"Hey can u search up Anna's name please I want to show her something" he asks to a fan, she types quick and turns her phone to me. I take it from her,

It then says my followings and- oh my wow that's high!

"Oh my god" I say passing her the phone back, "thank you" I say to her and she smiles not caring what I needed.

"See" Christian grins a cheeky, toothy, grin at me and I roll my eyes. Oh my there's no hiding now.

We continue to make our way up and soon we reach the back, a man in Black comes up to us and tells up that we have two minutes in front of the cameras. Oh shit I'm nervous.
"Don't be nervous you look great" he tells me, "okay and off in 3,2,1 and on with the Greys" he says into the mic.

Christian leads us to the thinner carpet and -oh my god my eyes- so much noise.

"Anna, look at me" I look up into his dark eyes and he smiles at me. Taking my hand he spins me around, before placing his arm on my lower back and pulling me close.

Trying to look at all the photographers is hard and soon we are swept off the carpet.

"Wow that was crazy" I say with a giggle, striding next to Christian.

"I know right"he smiles before adding, "now time to watch the movie".

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