Chapter 7: money

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chapter 7: money

We had been driving for about 5 minutes and the silence had been muted with the radios tops 50. My eyes couldn't help but scan the surrounding houses in the gated neighbour hood we had just driven through. Yep gated- as in literally fences at the road protecting the rich upper class houses that lived in said road.

The road was clear, trees were trimmed perfectly, cars worth more than my entire existence sparkled in their driveways and bins lined the edge of the pavement like polite pedestrians. These people were rich.

Flicking on his indicator, the car pulled into Christians drive way before gently stopping. Ok so I guess his house was nice.

Fuck nice.

His house was beautiful. Tall white walls stood proud as symmetrical mirrors reflected the moons beams. Stepping out of the car, his large oak door welcoming me as Christian opened it before me and oh-my-life the inside is better than the outside.

"I hate it" Christian tells me as he shuts the door behind me. Me, that is currently gawking at his house that was wayyyyy to similar to the one out of the great gatsby.

"What?" I ask but my eyes don't look at him, instead they continue to scan the amazing house in front of me. A humongous stair case is flowing out towards me, at the top it splits and two separate stair cases continue round opposing side of the walls.

"The house and everything in it. I hate it!" He said and walked into what I assumed to be the kitchen. His muscles in his back tensing and relaxing as his arms swung next to his sides.

Suddenly realising he had left me in this huge hall of a reception room I scurry into the room after him.

"It's not you?" I questioned dropping my back onto the island that was in the middle of the crazy big kitchen.

"Wine?" He asked almost ignoring my question.

"A little" a said so unsure that it was barely above a whisper.

"No, it's not me at all" he turned to face me, glass held out in front of him which I took from his hands, needing something to cling to.

"Oh. What is you then?" I decide to lean against the island to create a little more space between me and him.

His eyes linger on me for a few moments before his mouth parts "shall we sit down" and with that he leads my through to his living room.

The living room was big- no, scrap that- the living room was the size of my whole downstairs of my house and Christian waltzed through it as though it was the size of any average persons room. The black 'U' shaped sofa was positioned to perfectly see the tv from all angles, not that it would be difficult as the tv is also enormous. He moved the grey blanket and sat where it was previously located, smiled and said with a small chuckle "you can come in if you want"

Suddenly realising I was still loitering at the door frame I stuttered something stupid along the lines of "sure thing" or "righty", causing me to curse under my breath. Sitting not too close, but also not too far, from Christian on the grey couch I soak in every thing around me.

"So how did you end up living in such house?" My eyes were greedy at the delicate display of wealth ladled through out his house.

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