Chapter 46: last night of freedom

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Chapter 46: last night of freedom

Waking from my slumber, the morning sun itching at my skin sends my hands quickly up to defend my eyes of such light. Wiggling my toes and preparing to stretch, the heavy presence on my thighs remains. Glancing down, a mop of brown hair is resting in my lap, quietly purring in his sleep.

The temptation to run my fingers through his shards of hair is too much as I soon find my hand buried into his scalp. He starts to stir.

"Morning" I practically whisper as Christians gentle eyes open. He smiles in response, closing his eyes once more.

Christian extends his arm, in reach for his phone and taps around on the coffee table before picking it up. The bright screen illuminated his face and for a moment he looks concerned, before shaking his head and laying it back down onto my legs.

"The wedding planner has said that everything is done and that we are ready to be married" Christians groggy morning voice barely fills the room.

A smile sketches onto my face. I didn't expect that I would be married so young, nor did I expect it to be to Christian Grey.

The wedding does feel too soon, hell this whole thing has been a crazy rollercoaster of emotions but I cannot say that I wouldn't do it again.

Standing from where he rest on my legs, Christian wanders into the kitchen and prepares breakfast. Before returning swiftly with two bowls of cereal and glasses of juice.

The small bump that had started to protrude out of my stomach is adding to my anticipation and after feeling my bean kick last night, I can't wait to start our family.

A ping from my phone distracts me from my breakfast and Kate's name illuminated on the screen makes me slightly anxious of her plans for this evening.

Your last night of freedom has been planned! Be at mine at 8pm sharp x

Oh god!


Streamers popped and the girls cheered as I stepped into the walk way of my old house.

With a tiara placed on my head and a glass of orange juice placed in my hand, I get dragged into a the living room.

"Oh wow, you shouldn't have" I examine the room slowly, my eyes landing on two men standing in the corner I lean closer to Kate before asking, "are they-"

"Masseurs? Yes they are" Kate cut me off with a devilish glare, clearly aware of what I was thinking.

A gentle conversation rolled over the group of which contained Kate, Mia, my mother and Suzie- a childhood friend.

Not long after the pleasant conversation started there was a knock at the door. Standing from my seat, I approach the door, feeling all eyes on me.

Behind the door stood one of my oldest friends, his olive skin more recognisable that his excited smile and soon he was suffocating me in a tight embrace.

"Jose!" I squeal as I hug him back. His reply consisted of a mad rush of words all jumbled into one sentence but I think he's just reeling from shock.

Jose and I had gone to nursery together before primary school and soon meeting Suzie at the ripe age of 13. We were inseparable as kids, and to have a reunion the night before my wedding is truly amazing.

I usher him inside and my mum stands to give him a hug, Suzie gives me a smirk from the other side of the room and I know that she must have been the one to drag Jose from his travels to come to my wedding.

The pre wedding celebrations kick off with one of the most amazing massages I think I have ever received. Clambering off the table I throw myself onto the sofa in a utopic trance.

Mum stays for her massage before calling it a night and telling me of her return in the morning.

Jose cranks up the music and we all dance like idiots until 11pm where we settle down to watch Bridesmaids, aptly chosen by my bridesmaids.

"You guys have made the most out of a booze free hen night and it's amazing to have friends like you" I say once the movie has ended and the girls all give me a honest smile.

"Oh honey your drink might be booze free but ours definitely isn't!" Kate laughed loudly and I can't smile at her.

The conversation rolls in and out of honour and serious chatter before landing back on me and my baby.

"So do you know the gender?" Jose asks me, getting comfortable in his seat. The girls lean in and I can't help but disappoint them with the news that we are leaving it as a surprise. Which caused them all to search up old wife's tales as to how you can find out the gender of your unborn child.

Soon enough I am lying on my back with the four of them examining which way the rope is swinging. Apparently I'm having a boy, this sends them into a crazy frenzy and soon enough the music is back on and their dancing around me like some weird ritual!

The night was something of a dream and I can only imagine tomorrow will follow suit.

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