Chapter 42: changing rooms

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Chapter 42: changing rooms

"I can confirm that you are around 20 weeks pregnant" the woman in white tells me. She twists the screen to me to reveal the outline of a baby. My baby. We listen to her explain what size the baby is right now, the fact that it can now react to light and sound and even listen to the little ones heart beat.

"So if I'm 20 weeks how come I'm not showing?" I ask after she wipes my stomach clean of the cool gel. I know I'm not exactly toned but most women have a slight bump by now.

"There can be many reasons. The fact that this is your first child means that your muscles aren't used to being stretched like this and so it could be that. I want to bring you in in about 2 weeks cause I want to check it's progress as I'm assuming you have been continuing your life as normal up till now" she smiles at me and spins herself on her chair to write some notes on her pad before dismissing us.

Christians hand is tightly around mine as we walk down the corridor and out into the car park. His large black car sits in a close space and I happily hop in.

I need time to process this, I'm very confused as to how I feel about having a baby. Picking up my phone I message my mum and ask if she is home. When she replies I navigate Christian to her house and soon enough I'm in the warm embrace of my mothers arms.

"Oh well that's good news isn't it" she brings over a tray with three glasses of her homemade lemonade and places it onto the outdoor table where me and Christian are seated.

"I'm not sure mum, a baby is a big commitment and it's going to interrupt all my plans" I reply taking a glass from the tray and examining the ice cubes.

"Yes but it will create new amazing plans. Like watching them interact with other kids and their first steps and oh it is so much fun" mum smiles at me and Christian and I can tell whose side he is on about all of this. "Plus you have all the time in the world to be boring and work in an office" she adds with a shrug.

"And it's not like we can abort it now" Christian jokes knowing that the topic is coming to a close.

"Anyway show me the ring!" Mum snatches my hand and admires the stone on my finger, "oh wow" she whispers. Oh I know honey, I know.

"We are gonna start planning the wedding soon" Christian chirps up, "would you like to come and help us choose a wedding venue?" He looks deeply into my mums eyes and I can see her shift uncomfortably under his heavy gaze.

"Why of course, and we are going to need a dress" she smirks turning to look at me.

"Mum we will be having the wedding after the baby is born so no point paying for a dress now" I tell her and both of them look at me. What have I said?

"Anna you are barely showing and I think having a baby still inside your uterus would be better than having it cry and you lactating all over the show" Christian says in a serious tone. I mean he's not wrong.

"So when?" I say pressing my elbow onto the table and resting my head on my hands.

"Next week" Christian swiftly replies.

Next week! Oh no what about dress alterations and literally everything.

"I've called two venues and asked if they do last minute bookings and they both said yes. They were both actually from your Pinterest board" he adds. Well at least I know the places that we are going with be my style but oh I cannot hide the panic inside of me.

"Well then, let's go dress shopping tomorrow" mum smiles and takes a massive swig of her drink.

Well if they're organising the whole thing then I guess I don't have to worry about the stress on the baby!


The next morning I wake up bright and early to allow me time to not only sprinkle some makeup over my face, but take a bump picture because I wanna watch this bean grow.

I meet mum outside the boutique and we are instantly greeted by two stunning women in black dresses, they both offer us champagne which I turn down but mother gladly takes a bottle before flicking through the dresses on the racks.

Explaining to the ladies was harder than I thought it would be, timeless in my eyes is lace in there's its glitter and gems, so I'm sure this will be a long day. After selecting about 5 dresses and mum picking some of her own for me, I walk into the changing room.

Climbing into the first dress, I walk out of the changing room and examine myself in the mirror. It's a simple v neck top which flows into a classy A line dress, the trail is made mostly of a clear material with has lace detailing on.

"I love it but I'm nervous about the back, because if I'm sitting down I can see up to your butt" mum jokes but I know what she's saying, Christians mum would hate it also.

Turning back around, I close the door and clamber out of the dress.

By the time I make it to the last dress I have tied my hair up and am sweating slightly. This dress is the one, I know it is.

The shoulder less lace top is beautiful and the white lining underneath is so complementative. The lace stretches down the arms and down the body, before flowing into a pool at my feet. The detailing of the lace is delicate, not clumpy flowers, but classy. Down the back the white buttons take centre show against the smooth lace.

Walking out of the changing room mums back is facing me, she's looking at the veils on the side. Standing on the block I face her, "mum?".

She turns with curiosity and stops still as soon as she sees me. Mouth wide, eyes watering, hands quivering.
"Oh my Annastasia, I love it" Mum walks over to my side and takes my hand and strokes the fabric.

One of the tall women in black pick two veils from the counter holding them me to choose one. I pick the one with lace detailing at the end and she gently attaches it to my head.

"How do you feel?" She asks looking at me in my reflection.

I look at her warm eyes and smile, "like a bride" I reply and my mum squeals in the background.

I climb back out of the dress and mum pays for it, with Christians card, whilst I change back into my clothes.

I've found the one.

Authors note

It felt like this chapter took forever to write as it never felt like it read right

Anyhoo thank you for all your support on my last couple of chapters.

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