CHAPTER 20 : make over

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CHAPTER 20: make over

After reluctantly letting Christian pay wayyyyyyy too much for those dresses and clothes, he pushed me into what looked like another overpriced store. Pushing open the matte black door with the silver hand rail, I am welcomed with a strong smell of hair products and nail polish.

"Hello there, may I take your coat?" A short woman with a neat black bob scurried to my side and practically pulled my coat off my shoulders. Christian has left me here whilst he dropped the bags off into the car and, to say the least, the little bob woman is slightly intimidating.

"Come, come" she shuffled away from me and I quickly followed her towards a one of the salon chairs. Within seconds of having sat on the plush white seat, a black cape was swung around my neck and a small team of women had gathered behind me. They examined my hair and then exchanged a glance before nodding and dispersing to different stations in the room.

The lady with the sleek bob, who I learned her name was Amanda, came to my side and introduced me the the team. "This is Ester, she will be giving you a pedicure today, this is Maria she will be fixing you up with some nails and I will be saving your hair. Okay?" She glared at me through the mirror.

"Okay" I nodded. And with that, they began.


"Oh wow" Christian stood to my side, "ladies, my wife was already stunning but you have worked your magic again" he said with the biggest smile.

I blushed not knowing what to say. The ladies had worked so long on my hair and nails, my brown hair had a new shine. "Thank you, your both amazing" I smiled at them.

With a nod they passed me my coat and we head out.

Closing the car door behind me Christian looks at me, "do you actually like it?".

"I love it. I don't know how they have made my hair so bouncy and shiny- and oh my god look at my nails. Isn't that such a beautiful nude shade" I hung my hand in front of his face to show him the colour.

"You look amazing, Anastasia" he looked at me dead in the eyes. A new type of tension rolled over the two of us, his eyes burnt into mine and a pit formed in the centre of my stomach.

"We should get going" Christian snapped his gaze onto the road and turned on the music in the car. "Oh before I forget," he reached into the back seat and grab a paper bag, "I wasn't sure if you had bought any makeup with you so I grabbed a whole bunch and also some hair straighteners and curlers" Christian blushed as he pushed the bag into my lap.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, the hum of the radio was all that entertained my thoughts. However pulling up to the hotel there was a bigger problem at hand. Paparazzi.

"Why are you such a fascination to them?" I asked as the car started to slow, confusion scratching across my face.

"Not me." Christian pulled the handbrake, "my family. Are you ready?"

With a nod, I open the door and push my way inside the hotel. Security grabbing my bags and following us closely behind.

Hi there
This is the first chapter since I've been back

I've noticed how many spelling mistakes I made in the past so I will try not to do anymore

Thanks for the patience

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