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Miami, FL
5:30 P.M.
Melanie POV

I been sittiing in my car eating food for bout 2 hours thinking. issa mukbang.

I told Lee yes earlier and we were actually both excited. Now too many things were flooding my mind.

I wanted some ice cream so i drove to a pharmacy near my apartment. I grabbed five tubs of different flavored ice cream and threw em in my cart. I didnt feel like coming back anytime soon so i grabbed some snacks too.

I dont know why, but i had a weird feeling somebody was watching me as i walked towards the line.

I payed for the ice cream and rushed back to my car. I didnt want my seats wet so i opened the trunk and started putting my bags in there.

"Melanie?" A unfamiliar voice said behind me.

I turned around and when i saw who it was, i let out the loudest scream possible. I slammed my trunk and nearly hopped in my car looking for my keys.

I drove away from the store as fast as i could and cooled myself down at a red light.

I picked up my phone and dialed a number i never thought i would use.


"Who is this?" I heard his wife say on the other end.

"Oh. You. Can you please put my dad on the phone?"

"he's in the shower what do you want?" She said irritating me already.

"Oh okay then I'll call back later." I said about to hang up.

"No need. I'll just tell him what you need."

"Girl i said im calling back later. I dont need you in my damn business as always-"

"Or i could just block this number." She said then hung up. I knew she wont bold enough to block my number so i shrugged it off and finally went home.

I wasnt sleepy nor hungry, so i started packing, which i hate doing. I only needed my clothes and personal stuff but other than that everything was getting thrown away.

I never realized i had so much clothes. Like i deadass buy stuff and let it sit in the closet for months without touching it.

After i finished packing i texted everybody to let them know wassup then ordered some food and started watching big mouth to enlighten my mood.

Season 3 wyaaaa?


Orlando, FL
6:01 P.M.

I looked at all the shit i had to pack and instantly got irritated. I dont know why i had so much clothes but i for sure aint feel like doing shit.

I looked at everything one more time before i picked the remote up to see whats on. I ordered me and Jah some pizza and called Melanie but she aint pick up, as always. I called again and she finally answered after a few rings.

"You need to start answering your phone more." I snapped.

"Mhm sorry i didnt have my phone near me." She said in a sad voice.

"You good?"

It was a long silence on the other end til she finally said "Yeah."

I could tell something was off with her. "Ima call you back later okay." She added then hung up.

(A/N- damn i wonder why Melanie screamed. She probably just being dramatic as usual smh)

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