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Orlando, FL
7:55 A.M.
Melanie POV

I was woken by somebody tapping their foot repeatedly on the floor giving me a headache.

"shut the fuck up." I mumbled lifting my head up.

"You aint listen to me not once. You need get up and uppity yo ass outta here disrespectful ass." I heard Prince annoying ass girlfriend yell.

"Bitch shut the fuck up and carry yo ass somewhere acting like you pay bills and shit leave her alone." I heard him almost yell coming out of the room.

She mugged me for a few seconds then went back in the room like the bird she is.

"How do you deal with these hoes prince." I said sitting up yawning.

"She aint like that on a regular basis she just dont like me around other females, she'll get used to you tho. So whatchu doing today?"

"Probably finna go talk to my babydaddy." I said thinking of a million hurtful things to say to Lee.

"Uhh you sure thats his baby?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Well....cause uhhh..." he said scratching even harder.

"You bitch oh my god why would you tell him. And what you mean uhh?"

"I couldn't keep a secret from my brother damn!"

"I cant tell you shit."

"Yeah well according to him that baby aint his." Prince said awkwardly.

Once i heard those nine words my eyes turned furious. I guess prince saw my reaction because he started backing up. See now this where you got me fucked up.

"Lemme see your phone." I said with my hand out.

"See wait hold on-"

"Just gimme the damn phone princeton." I said trying not to scream in sake of my baby.

He handed me the phone and i scrolled through his contacts until i found Lee's number and called.

"Gimme a minute." I said stepping onto the balcony.

"Wassup bro." He answered in a deep sleepy voice. Sexy. Snap out of it Mel.

"This aint your bro, BRO. You think im some kind of clown?" I said forcefully biting my lip to hold back my anger.

"Oh shiit Melanie. Look i dont know what you talking about-"

"Bitch you know exactly what the hell im talking about!"

"First of all watch your mouth and second of all cut all that yelling shit my gir- my friend next to me sleep and you yelling and shit." He said giggling a little.

"You really take me as a joke Lee..."

"I cant look at you as anything BUT a joke you pregnant wit a whole nother nigga's baby."

"Lee. Tell me who my babydaddy is."

"Jayden." He said laughing.

"I told you me and Jayden didn't have sex..." I said tapping my foot.

"Look, ion know who yo babydaddy is, and lord knows how many niggas you probably fucked behind my back. Call me wit some DNA results but until then...off my line." He said then hung up.

"The fuck!" I screamed launching the chair off the balcony. It hit somebodies car and dented the roof so i quickly slid back in.

"This nigga wanna play i got sumn he can play with." I mumbled throwing on my Nike slides and grabbing my purse.

"Lordt what you finna do." Prince said taking his phone back.

"I'll be back." I said calling a uber.

A/N- im so sorry for the short chapter this wack ass chapter but i wanted a pause before the next chapter cause wheww its gon be messayy.

Next chapter in a few min tho.

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