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Pinecrest, FL
11:23 A.M.
Melanie POV

"I cant be...." i said staring at the girl.

"We used to be so tight until you got separated from us..." she said with tears starting to form in her eyes.


"Me, Miyana, Molani, Mom-"

"My mom is dead what are you talking about."

"Your real mom." She said making me confused as ever.

"I dont know what you're talking about."

"You were taken from us when we were five and sold to a new family." She said crying now.

"I- this isnt making any sense. So you're telling me my mom isnt dead and my dad isnt my dad?"

"Yes." She said. "I am so sorry we have been looking for you forever." She added hugging me even harder.

"This is teww much i dont have time." I said starting my car and pulling off.

I decided to go check on Jayden since he haven't texted me back.

When i pulled up to his complex his car was out there meaning he eas home. I let myself in with the spare key he gave me and his apartment looked amess.

I cringed when i saw cutout pictures of me from magazines sitting on his living room table.

"Jaydennnn where you at?" I yelled.

I heard shuffling from his bedroom so i went in there and he was sitting on his bed watching TV.

"Oh....uh...hey Melanie." He said turning the TV off.

"Whats going on with you?" I asked siting on the edge of his bed.

"Its....nothing." he said looking at his hands.

"Okay then." I said grabbing my purse and leaving.

"No stay." He said and i turned around, noticing him admiring my body.

"You look so good." He mumbled as if i couldnt hear him.

"Jayden what are you talking about? First you ignoring me and now you acting weird." I said stepping close to him crossing my arms.


Jayden POV

As soon as she stepped close to me the smell of sweet lotion clogged my nose. I looked her up and down admiring how sexy she was then bit my lip. Fuck it.

I did something i knew i would regret soon. I grabbed her waist and pulled her on my lap then kissed her. She didnt kiss back but she allowed me to kiss her and suck on her bottom lip.

I was about to stick my tongue into her mouth until she pulled away and smacked the shit outta me, making my whole mouth go numb.

"Fuck is wrong witchu?" She said standing up then smacked me again.

I stood up and grabbed her arms and she pulled away and pushed me on the bed.

"Fuck you." She said then left.

I watched her ass jiggle as she walked out and bit my numb lip again.

Damn Lee gonna beat my ass.


Melanie POV

I rushed in the house and ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. Wtf just happened.

I washed my mouth and lips about ten times then brushed my teeth until i felt fresh again.

"You okay baby?" Lee said coming in the bathroom with Jah trailing behind him.

"Um....yeah." i said walking past him.

Jayden kissed me.....?

I dont know if he was drunk or high or what but that was unexpected and uncalled for.

I let him kiss me for a few seconds making me feel so bad. Im a whore, im a slut, im a hoe, im a tramp, Lee will never love me again.

I sat on the back porch and cried thinking of what could happen.

What have i gotten myself into?

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